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t1_j9srurh wrote

I understand this is how cartoons are made (or were)

But it doesn't change the fact this blows my mind you drew this.


t1_j9sxkq2 wrote

I really like this. The smoothness of the central animation makes the stuttering of the peripheral animations become a rhythm that the center figure is dancing to. Amazing work.


t1_j9t71q1 wrote

Holy cow, how long did this take?


OP t1_j9t7szj wrote

A month, I don’t really count the hour but probably more than 100h


t1_j9v62h2 wrote

How did you do it?


OP t1_j9v8wi2 wrote

First, I do a lot of observation at my reference, draw the key mouvement on draft (the one that must have an impact) like a story board animator, complete the mouvement still on draft. The oversized clothes helps a lot with hiding weird anatomical error, I took almost 2 weeks to complete the 430 frame (here I am still at half inking this project currently at the 189, here 133)

And after I clean my mess using a light box, a fine brush, and hold my breath to stop shaking.

And ta daaa !


t1_j9w1d29 wrote

Amazing and I tried to pause frames to read but couldn't. The writing was what convinced me it was real. Great work so ebullient and fun to watch


t1_j9t6mib wrote

That’s super cool, I am really impressed and love your style!!!


t1_j9t9rhi wrote

This is pretty good stuff! I can’t imagine drawing that many frames..


t1_j9tjpih wrote

This is so awesome. What was your inspiration?


OP t1_j9tpwgh wrote

Since high school (I am 25 now) me and my friends were always passionate about hip hop culture, I lost contact with them going to college deciding I valued more education than social link at the time. It got me quite depressed, made my art gone quite angry, I did a lot of fighting scene, took great interest in mma sport, my work was colorful, energized but still quite angry looking.

I always was interested in animation, did my first years of college in that field but loose interest because it was to much procedural for me but I wanted to still explore that field. So I decided to go back in in my own terms, go back to the first things that made me took interest in art in the first place, reconnect with my old friends who were still dancing in dancing battle all around my country, and started to join them since last summer.

I found that hip hop danse was the perfect link between angriness and the full creation, and since I can’t danse for shit and find myself quite ridiculous when I choose to perform so I decided to make my drawings literally dancing, giving them the punch, the happiness that I deserve, the angry happiness I want to transfer to other.

It’s some kind of an hommage to my friends, an hommage to hip hop, the way I choose of showing my animation give them a spontaneous feeling, the experimentation feel part that I was missing from traditional animation production. Keep the accumulation feeling I am quite found of, and help me do more “finish” work since I struggle to keep interest in piece to big.


t1_j9tsefk wrote

Wow, first of all, thanks so much for the very thorough response. I personally dance, so I was intrigued as to what would make you create this piece. I can relate to this a lot. Dancing is the one time in the week I can work hard and feel good about it, I recently got into teaching some younger kids at my school, and it's awesome to see them so excited about something I'm so passionate about. I love the way you decided to express your passion for dancing. In this way, you've captured the essence beautifully. Believe me, I got hyped by seeing your dance, which is exactly how good hip-hop should be. Great art piece, I wish you the best. It sounds like you've got awesome friends, and frankly, you sound pretty awesome yourself.


t1_j9w8uii wrote

Your goal should be to animate a full choreography of your friends in dance battle and have them perform it exactly in synch with a big screen behind them. Get that shit on America/Britain's got talent or something.

Amazing work. Please keep creating for our enjoyment !


t1_j9u1jad wrote

Really cool! Is the dancer Jerky Jesse?


OP t1_j9udjdc wrote

The work is inspired by a French dancer named Angelo, i try to work with dancer from my region to have a more personal feel to it and push the culture in our little region


t1_j9u3wd0 wrote

Dudeee !! That’s insane !! This needs a good song to go along


t1_j9v2guo wrote

I just kept being mesmerized by how smooth the hair movement progresses from tight and tied to loose as the dance moves on. Great job!


t1_j9ubelt wrote

I love how the previous and next frame also work as backup dancers. Awesome stuff!


t1_j9uzdwc wrote

I had Wellermens (sea shanty) by Nathan Evans playing when I scrolled up to this art piece. Synced up perfectly through the entire song.


t1_j9uvg5t wrote

I can only imagine the time it took to make this, goddamn!


t1_j9v5jr9 wrote

This would make a dope music video


t1_j9vuo6n wrote

Dude, this is epic, congrats.


t1_j9wyq0c wrote

what’s your dance background? The conceptualisation, stylistic influence, and moves are so clean. Drawing human animations are difficult enough, let alone drawing a near perfect choreographed string of moves is another. Good job!


OP t1_j9x3jzg wrote

I work with danser mostly with friends, they dance in front of me, they mostly are coming from a contemporary dance background but rework their art to be looking more like a style of breakdance/hip hop. An other friend put the beat, and they go free dancing on the beat, it’s mostly a type of danse that is really visceral, quite acrobatic for some. Nothing is really planed.

I film them, sometimes if I am feeling good enough i just go “raw”, but those generally result in new way for me to confront my line work, than true piece on themselves, and use those accidental finding to better the fluidity in my animation. But for animation like this one I'm essentially resting on one reference, this is why this so fluid, it’s essentially a massive study.

I am neither a dancer or an animator, I am a drawer (dessinateur) I am just obsessed with the line. So animation was a way I had to explore to have more fluidity in my work. I am just amazed by the work of Angelo. This work in particular his thought to be decline in different ways, like a motif like grant wallpaper (still in production) to convey a feeling of accumulation. Like an illustration of my persistant rambling in this animation in particular.

Some extract will be zoom only on his face and will emphasize his facial expression, I will rework them with graphite and create mobile that turn on themselves and create some kind of windmill flipbook.

That animation his really for my final in college so I push myself to the maximum of my capacity, I can only achieve 10 or 12 frame by day working at 8h to the moment I finished at least the tenth. I just wanted to go back at something I used to really like and reappropriate the danse, the notion of animation. The over obsession for little detail, just feel the brush flowing on the paper.

Hope I make sens because it quite late in my country (5:35) and I lack a lot of sleep


t1_j9x6k0x wrote

Did you align all the frames manually?


OP t1_j9x753u wrote

Here, yep, that why the book isn’t constant, I used literally the video reference, put my scan in transparence, and tried to follow as much my danser as i could.


t1_j9x7uvi wrote

Thanks I always hope there’s an easier way to do that. But nevertheless it turns out amazing.


OP t1_j9xa5cm wrote

In truly traditional animation you don’t really have to align the frame like that, you already have your framing done, it’s the object that move inside the framing. And in digital it’s even easier since you have the onion mod.

Here I worked it like life drawing, so I had to do that to erased most the imperfections having a real fluidity, that makes most of the illusion with an higher frame rate. Like hiding the hand, the fact that hair are just squiggling line and no true worked hair having my character really solid on his foot


t1_j9xargh wrote

Really Nice!! Awesome job


t1_j9y4pee wrote

The posing, pacing and shading… all so good


t1_ja74llp wrote

As someone who worked in 1 of the best independent magazine & a Fan of Both Old School Drawing & Modern Alternatives...👏👏👏 Seriously&Sincerely: You have Amazing & Inspiring set of Skills 🎉 Bravo & Keep On🎉Cheers🤗


t1_j9wzzj4 wrote

This is immaculate. I feel so at peace watching it. It's so smooth and filled with loved and effort. Truly well done!


t1_j9vs5h2 wrote

This is cool and all but obviously rotoscoped


OP t1_j9vuii2 wrote

Won’t denied the obvious fact, but it was done by hand, using a reference doesn’t make a work bad, doesn’t make go away the work I put in it, many animation studio use this technique

I just go the same way Snow White was made


t1_j9vwazi wrote

I just think it's important to note this as most people don't understand this term or how something like this is made... I mean, tracing is tracing after all. I did say its cool and wasn't saying its bad or anything


OP t1_j9vwsp6 wrote

This isn’t tracing, this is traditional rotoscoping yeah, but this is not traced


t1_j9w47qq wrote

Forgive my ignorance but what's the difference? I thought rotoscoping is just tracing multiple frames?


OP t1_j9w6etm wrote

I didn’t use the tracing method, at first this project, not this animation but the more rough, was to rework my anatomy, and since I was working on dancing I tried to animate it, just using dragon without thinking much of it, and it worked, so I pushed the thing you can find the second try on my Reddit page

When I say “traditional” is that I didn’t use a software to trace each frame, I had my paper my 5 years knowledge in nude classes, my video reference and the notion of animation I learn during my first two college years. What I mean by traditional is that it is not the modern method used in graphics design, it’s more like the way the Disney animator used rotoscoping for Snow White.

I am no animator, I am in my last year of fine art, and try to find ways to rethink an image, so animation was obviously a way to go about it, this one have just more preparation than the other and the experience gotten because of the other try


t1_j9wac2h wrote

The art looks great, it's definitely still tracing, and that doesn't diminish the artwork itself, there's a lot of skill in choosing what parts to trace and shading and developing your own style from the original medium.

Tracing doesn't have digital connotations and it isn't a cop out. You can trace and show skill and talent as you clearly did.

Edit: we spoke in PM and OP didn't trace this they just drew it using reference frames, just some confusion over what rotoscoping is as what they did is more impressive than that.


OP t1_j9wcfob wrote

Just sent you the proof in mp that I can draw, this isn’t tracing, in that case all people drawing from life are tracing


t1_j9xfwdp wrote

I didn't downvote you at all, how did you read negative energy from my comment? Snow White was traced so when you say you used the same method it suggests you did too.


t1_j9teebc wrote

The part where he appears to fall on the floor is a little awkward as far as dancing goes but the animation and illustration style is fun!


t1_j9u0275 wrote

"appears to fall on the floor" ITT: redditors who have never heard of breakdancing. please keep your captious bullshit to yourself


t1_j9w1m55 wrote

Yeah, I actually have heard of breakdancing and seen plenty of it. I'm saying that it looks like an awkwardly funny dance move to me. That shouldn't be so offensive to you. Gremlin of the Kremlin? Wtf.