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eternally_bummed t1_j9vf8j6 wrote

great to see some nudity that isn’t about boobs!

really lovely sense of motion and use of texture

as a side note, i wonder where the subject’s pants are…


HomeWasGood OP t1_j9vh0au wrote

Thank you for the kind comment. To answer your question, just out of frame lol. And originally from Old Navy


ThisOnePlaysTooMuch t1_j9xnwgm wrote

All of this is vocabulary and articulation I wish I had going through school. I’m fascinated with honing my ability to draw all forms of human, but you’re not allowed to do that in middle school without some judgement.


Nug_Shaddaa t1_j9vfol9 wrote

Finally a post on this sub that's not a naked woman. It's really not often anyone artfully portrays the male body.


HomeWasGood OP t1_j9vivxw wrote

It's weirdly scary to post male nudes on this sub. Every time I've done it, I get comments or jokes about penises, and very few upvotes. It usually isn't worth it. Thank you for the compliment though!


AsyanongAmbiguous t1_j9wq3dr wrote

As long as I can see your posts about art of the male body, I'll try to make it worth your while~!

Amazing Artwork, OP! I have no artistic bone in my body, but I really love the texture, angle, & of course, his dick lol


ThisOnePlaysTooMuch t1_j9xo6i4 wrote

Try posting one with boobs. You’ll get twice as many sexually confused people commenting about boobs, but the mods are good about rooting out non-productive discussion and hate speech.


HomeWasGood OP t1_j9yaekd wrote

I just looked around this sub for a bit and you're very right


ThisOnePlaysTooMuch t1_j9xnzt5 wrote

It’s really good art and I hope it helps people understand that nudity and sexuality are not mutually inclusive.


TheFoulWind t1_j9vk566 wrote

Only chads get naked bottom before top. I could never!


rabbitfuzzle t1_j9x1do6 wrote

I do this


ThisOnePlaysTooMuch t1_j9xo8vh wrote

I’ve genuinely never thought of the order by which I undress in private. Shirt first with a partner because it’s always hotter than Donald Ducking it


renewed_artist t1_j9u3aue wrote

wonderful painting overall. Nice painterly quality and great composition


KieDaPie t1_j9ulwmp wrote

I like the angle. Feels like it's in motion


HomeWasGood OP t1_j9vh600 wrote

Yeah at first I tried to "correct" the perspective but then it looked dull. I love how it looks... bendy. It's not perfect but I am proud of that aspect


KieDaPie t1_j9vlijs wrote

I think it's perfect. In a weird way, it not only shows what someone looks like taking their shirt off, but also what it may feel like for the person. For me at least, when i take my shirt off, there's a split second where my head is in my shirt and it feels disorienting as i stretch to peel it off me. i like this. great job!


mjkjg2 t1_j9vk8tx wrote

good art, but who takes their shirt off AFTER their pants, underwear, and socks🤣


Rhazelle t1_j9wqse6 wrote

Oh god, I am ashamed that too many of my bfs have done this - and I always call them out for it lmao xD

Sometimes it's second last next to their socks, which is even weirder imo. Like why socks last of all things?!


Trenmeet t1_j9x5wld wrote

maybe due to insecurity of their upper body?


Rhazelle t1_j9xqp0e wrote

Hahah that definitely wasn't it, I think it's just habit or something xD


Squishy_tron t1_j9wcrjy wrote

Look at this guy showing off.
Owning a couch AND a lamp?


BaboTron t1_j9vqm9c wrote

Was this painted from a photograph, or is this a few different images painted as a composition? I’m asking because there seems to be a couple of different lighting situations going on.

Also: finally, some male nudity! Not enough of that here. Getting tired of images of bored women.


HomeWasGood OP t1_j9vsw6m wrote

There are a few lighting sources and I was hoping it would look a bit... off? Both in perspective and lighting. There is a very bright photography light shining on the figure, it made me feel like a really disconcerting light - like a oncoming headlight? - on a person in a vulnerable position. I'm not sure the vibe I feel translates but that was the idea! Thanks for the comment!


ioannasartthings t1_j9yhso0 wrote

It does translate, it feels a bit awkward (in a good way). Honestly I have no problem with boobs etc, but it can get boring, this is refreshing!


bbrmdz t1_j9x1gk4 wrote

great use of men as art, i actually was being hated on for saying women are like a form of art and here a man is being used as one as well. beautiful painting


xpoisonvalkyrie t1_j9xnxfg wrote

i really love the energy and vibe of this painting, especially the weird rug pattern. idk why it’s just a little detail that i enjoy. also that clock radio reminds me of the one my mom had when i was a kid, which is pretty cool


HomeWasGood OP t1_j9yahbi wrote

Thank you. I almost didn't paint the pattern because I was afraid it would turn out weird


Clitgore t1_j9xpuv5 wrote

I like the angle and the proportions. Good work!


Rhazelle t1_j9wqovt wrote

Nice dick.

...was that anyone else's first thought? xD


jmooks t1_j9xcede wrote

I’ve just started delving into really trying to learn how to draw the figure in a way that brings it more to ‘life’. I got to say, from the subtly of the gesture to the proportions of the anatomy, at least from my novice perspective, you’ve really captured a moment here. Looking at your other work, it’s exceptional.


PM_ME_SEXIST_OPINION t1_j9xceul wrote

Headless nude done correctly. Nice work OP! Reminds me of college era years lol🙃


ZARAZ_ART t1_j9xdjp6 wrote

I love the rough style used!


Redhddgull t1_j9xfgbw wrote

I think I have that clock is cool, reminds me of when car headlights would shine in my bedroom. Always lasted a second, but felt like I was in high beams, haha. Thanks for sharing, very cool.


HomeWasGood OP t1_j9y8bwc wrote

That's so cool because it's exactly what I was going for! High beams in a really weird vulnerable position


Matbo2210 t1_j9xvigi wrote

The male body is criminally underrated when it comes to the art world. We’re all beautiful!


DonkeyPunchSquatch t1_j9xgrja wrote

Takes a special kind of person to paint themselves nude (done well, too) and not enlarge their penis by at least 3 feet.


Volusp4 t1_j9xv9f6 wrote

What? I don't think OP painted themselves, at least I don't see anything that points that out.


DonkeyPunchSquatch t1_j9yk4w2 wrote

I guess since the title OP chose is “me,” that they are the painter. Could be totally wrong


Volusp4 t1_j9ywjlm wrote

The sequences goes as follow: Art Title, author, medium, year. You can see the same pattern across the subreddit.


noahlizard7 t1_j9xiyvm wrote

Bruh stop normalizing circumcision


abelincorn t1_j9uaqbl wrote

Just change this sub to r/nsfwart


markvs_black t1_j9uuab7 wrote

Nudity in art isn't exactly new


alexjaness t1_j9v0eb2 wrote

wait until he hears about the nipple in The Birth of Venus. Get that fainting couch ready


mjkjg2 t1_j9vkrsz wrote

I’m not gonna downvote, but r/NSFW is for art that is overtly sexual, like actual sex acts

if you don’t want to view any nudity on this sub, don’t click on posts with the NSFW tag


Somebody887 t1_j9uqd9x wrote

You aint gotta be so honest about the size of it ya know? Make it an inch or two bigger, its not like anybody gon know.


Yosua_Reddit t1_j9vasqn wrote

Ain't gotta project, ya know?


Somebody887 t1_j9y25rt wrote

I dont know what that means lol. Either way, it was just a joke, no need to get pissed. I kinda realize now that what i said is being interpreted as "you got a small dick" but i was tryna say if i had drawn that, which is beautiful btw, i wouldve lied a bit about the size, even if its big or not.


stuffedtherapy t1_j9vmnpu wrote

not all men are insecure


HomeWasGood OP t1_j9w0dnw wrote

I mean this one definitely is but not specifically about that


Somebody887 t1_j9y2ref wrote

About what do you think im insecure? Btw i love the drawing, and i didnt mean to laugh at you.


Somebody887 t1_j9y2m5h wrote

I know, and i now realize he should be proud of not being insecure, and not caring about showing everybody, even if they laugh at him, which is not what i wanted to do.


MMKmillennium t1_j9vcf6b wrote

Bro he’s not even 🧱’ed up. How big do you think it should be lmao?


Somebody887 t1_j9y2bo5 wrote

Not sayin how big it should be. Im sayin if i had drawn that, which i wouldnt be able in a million years, i wouldve lied about the size, even if its already big.


ialghamdi1 t1_j9vcuqi wrote

He’s a grower not a shower


Somebody887 t1_j9y2g76 wrote

Well he is showing it... jk its a beautiful piece of art, and im gettin misinterpreted. If i had drawn it, i wouldve lied about the size of it, even if its big.


pickles55 t1_j9vvpa8 wrote

%99.99 of penises are within 1 inch from 5.5" erect. It's fine to watch porn and all but don't assume it represents average anything.


Somebody887 t1_j9y2ws1 wrote

I know, im sorry. I didnt mean it like "your dick is small" i meant it like "if i had drawn that, i would have lied about the size of it"


tommykiddo t1_j9y3kzv wrote

Why would flaccid size even matter? Why not make it honest? Some guys are growers.


Somebody887 t1_j9y4dtw wrote

Ye ye sorry, ive already said this many times. Im not sayin his dicks small im sayin if i had drawn that i wouldve lied about the size of it.


tommykiddo t1_j9y4m0j wrote

But why lie? If it's not even small.


Somebody887 t1_j9y6vul wrote

Ye i dont know tbh


tommykiddo t1_j9y75wq wrote

Could it be your own insecurity? Not trying to make fun of you or anything, lots of guys worry about size. I think that's why we need realistic depictions of penis size.