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RevolutionarySoil11 t1_j6penb7 wrote

When I read about all the stories of Muslim gangs raping children in the UK and the authorities being inactive or even covering it up in some cases.


zincsinks t1_j6pezer wrote

I spent ages deliberating why the universe’s infinity is any more believable than God’s infinity, which pushed me away from die-hard atheism.


International-Roll27 t1_j6pfmn3 wrote

A family member had a stillbirth. But also I was analyzing the Bible at the time and my family is ultra catholic and I never really vibed with it.


Cerberus_Kelevra t1_j6phib6 wrote

I was an atheist until I realized that it was a philosophical dead-end, hypocritically pseudoscientific, and historically oblivious. 👍🏼


Freeexotic t1_j6phg6n wrote

My aunt and uncle donated money to their church every week. Then when my aunt got cancer they church didn't even allow them to throw a fundraiser to help pay the medical bills without charging them. That is when I realized it was just a racket.


Icameforthenachos t1_j6phgel wrote

The Christian God turned his back on me; so I turned my back on him.