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t1_jefv5ku wrote

Did you know that wire thingy on the left hand side is actually a holder for a lid? Stick the lip of the lid in it on it's side and gravity just holds it in place.

GF is taiwanese and we use this thing multiple times a day. We bought these little two lid pots for it.something like this??

The whole pot can fit inside the Tatung and heat the inside in like, 20 minutes via steam, without actually exposing the inside to any steam. We have a soup station in our fridge where we keep pre-chopped veggies, marinaded meats, pastes, you name it. You can break a bunch of noodles into the pot, add whatever veg/meat/shrimp/spices/paste you want. Throw in some egg whites if you want. Cheese? Milk if you want chowders. Whatever you want. Two of the little measuring cups of water and hit the button. Prepaing the pot takes less than a minute. And 20 minutes later you have amazing soup.

It makes low calorie cooking so, so, so dramatically easy. I'm in freaking love with my indestructible tatung.


OP t1_jeg973g wrote

I haven't used this one for anything as complex, but my grandma used a larger one for hot pot. This one is much smaller than the normal red sided one, so you can't cook a lot in it. I use it mainly for rice and as a steamer for literally anything.


t1_jegdkb7 wrote

I'd go looking for the little pots. I think your's is the same size as mine. We just make single serving soups with it which is why it's so great. Forinstance ATM I'm thinking I do in fact feel like a little nourishment. I'm going to spend about 1 minute and make some tom yum soup. If you go to china town in any suitably large city, or really any Chinese type grocery store, you'll find these little double lid ceramic glazed pots. We do have a bigger one that takes up almost the entire tatung. I used that to cook ribs and it was pretty damn perfect.

Our smaller ones are the perfect size. We actually bought one for a friend of our's that is even smaller and fits in her instant pot.


t1_jefxm0y wrote

my zojirushi takes twice to cook rice but I get sweet songs when it's done.


t1_jefryg3 wrote

I still wish I still had the user who had a full on argument with me that machines and electronic items can’t be BIFL when I suggested something. SEE ASSHOLE they can be! Here’s your proof!



t1_jegv03l wrote

Speaking as an electrical engineer, almost all 'dumb' electric devices are BIFL. Just have to know how to maintain them.


t1_jefs401 wrote

It’s true. If they are made well and taken care of well they will outlast you


t1_jegffb9 wrote

BIFL doesn’t mean buy it forever and I think we sometimes confuse the two.


t1_jeft8eg wrote

Test it for lead and replace the power cord if it’s original.


t1_jegqmjz wrote

Tatung closed their US operations last year. Cool to see their products still being used. Taiwan was smart to adopt the same electrical standard as the US so your Grandma could keep & still use this heirloom!


t1_jegbmia wrote

Avoid the 10 cup nickel finish stainless steel cooker. They have the paper heating element that will go bad in a couple of years. Only way to get replacement part is in Taiwan.


t1_jefon3q wrote

Wow! I just bought one of these. I absolutely love it.


t1_jefvvyi wrote

We bought one a year ago, we're considering a larger one also - but looks like Tatung USA has now closed? Looks like ebay would be the only go-forward option


t1_jeh59g6 wrote

Yun Hai sells them in the US! They're my go-to online store for Taiwanese and Chinese pantry items.


t1_jefukcr wrote

I have an old one, a different brand, probably made around the same time that looks very similar. Does it have a stone or ceramic interior?


t1_jefwhz0 wrote



well done, sir or sirette