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LeftKaleidoscope t1_jb45odd wrote

Things made from aluminium, most commonly used for baking tins, bread hooks and garlic presses.


NoPressureLife OP t1_jb4ei4m wrote

Bread hooks? Like the one from my kitchen aid mixer that I always run through the dishwasher. Oops. How do you tell is something is aluminum?


LeftKaleidoscope t1_jb4qi1e wrote

Newer machines may have the bread hooks made from other materials or coated with something. I had an old inhearited kenwood chef from the 70s that had an aluminum hook.
Aluminum is pale and matte compared to stainless steel, and it can have a chemical reaction and come out of the dishwasher weirdly discoloured.


Quail-a-lot t1_jb72f3g wrote

It'll come out looking all black and you'll have to wash/wipe all the oxidation off. It is really annoying having to clean them a second time too and it turns your hands black. Can start pitting if you keep doing it, but once or twice will just leave it matte grey but functional.