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lou_parr t1_j4jv1z6 wrote

I use second hand plastic barrels/drums. They come in 200/220 litre size (40 gallon?) as the easy to search for one, but also in sizes right down to ~20 litres. Both screw top and lock ring, but it's very "what's in stock" where I live. I search online then look for "other items from this seller" if they're on ebay etc, or just browse the website.

Barrels tend to be rotomoulded and thick walled, so sturdy. Depending on what the contents was you may end up with "infused with the aroma of olive oil" or whatever the first year or two. But there have always been 'clean' options when I've bought, just the smally ones are cheaper :)

Sellers like this:

Also, might be worth looking at "molecular sieves" if you want to keep the contents dry, they're the modern version of reusable silica crystals.