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pond_minnow t1_jeg8qm5 wrote

Psychedelics will be mainstream in our lifetimes. It's going to be beautiful. It's going to help heal so many people.

I'm happy our state is doing its part to make this a reality.


No-Coast-Punk t1_jegk04u wrote


Mushrooms are why I'm not yet another veteran suicide statistic


ZaggahZiggler t1_jefb5yf wrote

Nice to CT getting things right finally.


kne_1987 t1_jefxp3i wrote

love it. hurry up. support this across the board but especially medically- there are a lot of people with various PTSD scenarios who may be averse to various pharmaceutical options that a controlled setting and dose or series could really help 🙏🏽


pond_minnow t1_jeg8y9a wrote

There's little that unites the likes of AOC, Gaetz, Crenshaw, Rick Perry together.. psychedelic-assisted therapy is one of those issues. I'm very hopeful it will happen. I believe treating veteran/first-responder PTSD will lead the way.


ChefChesterCheese t1_jegoqu1 wrote

Absolutely. Too many people suffer with ptsd and trauma while being pigeonholed by our broken mental health system. I’m glad we’re on the right track to completely legalizing this phenomenal natural medicine.


Dirt_Bike_Zero t1_jegm7lp wrote

Ok, but they're not part of the lawmaking process as far as I know. I suppose they are just voting on whether to bring it to the floor for a vote in the first place.

These committees are useless in my opinion. If you have a bill , you should be able to introduce it and let people vote on it. I mean, that is their job after all.

Oh well, I'm certainly no political authority. Just someone that knows a committee doesn't have to be part of the law making process.


SherrickM t1_jegrsc9 wrote

Yeah, but sense isn't what people are looking for. So when this leads nowhere, people get to complain more and that's really what they want.


OpelSmith t1_jegonqm wrote

If you're going to decriminalize one major psychedelic, I think it should be LSD. But a W is a W


IrishWithoutPotatoes t1_jeh1wja wrote

Always wanted to try mushrooms but I never have anyone that I trust to do them around


CTNotPC t1_jegu11y wrote

About time.


Okay_Splenda_Monkey t1_jeh1oys wrote


Remember how they used to call Connecticut "The Nutmeg State"? I have an idea for a new name to bring the state renewed social media clout.


MondaleforPresident t1_jegnnhk wrote

I'm not in favor of legalizing drugs but criminalizing simple possession of mushrooms is pretty ridiculous. I'm fully in favor of this bill.


ryebreadinq t1_jegrk45 wrote

Your values oppose eachother. You cannot say you don't want drugs legalized and then at the same time say you think possession should not be a crime. The only way to make anything not a crime is to legalize it.the only way to make anything illigal is to write it into law and criminalize cannot act like there is no answer when there is one right infront of you.


MondaleforPresident t1_jegzq4u wrote

I don't want people to go to jail for possessing something but I don't want them to legally sold.


ryebreadinq t1_jeh38gf wrote

Then there is a name for what yoir looking for. Decriminalization.


[deleted] t1_jegb9q5 wrote



Eindacor_DS t1_jegfab3 wrote

I guess your only option is to stay here and whine like a little bitch


ConcentrateFlimsy412 t1_jegg92j wrote

Nah I actually have to work for a living instead of being a drug addict low life pice of shit


Eindacor_DS t1_jegkxe3 wrote

Oh so drug addicts don't have to work in your dumbass delusional universe? Why don't you fuck off to Florida where they welcome human garbage like you?


CaptainObvious1313 t1_jegep03 wrote

Ironically I run into more sober idiots on the daily.


[deleted] t1_jegfa5a wrote



laydegodiva t1_jegh3v5 wrote

People want the freedom to do what they want and I’m a salty asshole that votes to limit freedom, everyone should be exactly like me!


[deleted] t1_jeghgy6 wrote



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rewirez5940 t1_jeghn9i wrote

Please don’t use that word


satans_toast t1_jef7fvm wrote

Soon state governments will start sending free doses of Soma to every household.


EthosPathosLegos t1_jeggy4i wrote

Like alcohol hasn't been humanity's soma for millenia. At least now people who don't want to kill their livers won't have their life ruined by smoke a joint or eating some shrooms.