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JohnBrownEye69 t1_jb44e7t wrote

It was that oil companies were playing games with prices to agitate going into the midterms to back republicans who will reflexively side with oil companies against indigenous people and also want to dismantle the EPA. The conservative media machine then ran with the story non stop to the point of getting those dumb stickers printed for hillbillies to vandalize gas stations with.

Or whatever shit you said that doesn't even make any basic economic sense.


Notmystationbro t1_jb5po88 wrote

What does indigenous people have to do with oil? My god you’ve been brainwashed by your idiotic teachers. You people see race in EVERYTHING and it’s such a weak argument.


Notmystationbro t1_jb47tx5 wrote

Funny how we had cheaper gas, cheaper heating oil when republicans are in charge.


dietchaos t1_jb4d2j1 wrote

Do you think the president sets oil prices? Oh my sweet summer child...


bdy435 t1_jb5v6sr wrote

Funny how we had cheaper gas when Trump's pandemic was in full swing and everyone worked from home.

Every hear of supply and demand?


Notmystationbro t1_jb5vji7 wrote

Ya Trump was totally responsible for Covid and not China 🙄

Yes supply and demand is correct but when Biden closes the Keystone Pipeline and halts drilling leases for oil in the Gulf and Alaska x amount is not traded on the global market. Nice try 👌


bdy435 t1_jb5x4mz wrote

Keystone pipeline was to Mexico and wasnt feeding America. The amount of crude was insignificant and of poor quality.

Nobody said Trump was responsible for covid, only for his hiding it and horribly incompetent management of the pandemic.

You know the pandemic that Trump called the China Flu.


Notmystationbro t1_jb5yo2q wrote

So what if he called it the China Flu? It came from China. Keystone pipeline never went to Mexico at all. It flowed from Canada through the Midwest and Gulf Coast. Poor quality and insignificant crude oil? Cmon man you’re just spitting nonsense. Either way Biden shut it down and stopped new leases for US oil production in Alaska and the Gulf Coast. We never had this problem until he took over.


ZoqY t1_jb5dz2f wrote

People will downvote and ignore the truth.


Notmystationbro t1_jb5msxy wrote

Fact is Dems push Green Energy and complain when prices rise. Insanity.