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gwie t1_iwfb68n wrote

Lived in CA most of my life.

It's the hill I'll die on, but In-N-Out is better than any fast-food burger joint I've had anywhere else, including every single one I've tried here in the state since I got here in 2020. Flew back earlier this year to conduct a concert, and had a huge lunch at In-N-Out...I practically cried tears of joy it was so good.

Five Guys is terrible--the buns ruin it completely. Shake Shake is too greasy/oily. Louis' Lunch is interesting, but I wouldn't go for it regularly.


Used-Examination1439 OP t1_iwfbzx5 wrote

Yes when we went back to Vegas we had in and out everyday!!!! The last day my wife cried getting it for the last time.