Submitted by Redsmedsquan t3_ztmgy1 in Connecticut

Hi I’m looking to find an apartment and I need to increase my credit score. Any good credit unions that I could apply to for free?



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curbthemeplays t1_j1elgi8 wrote

Why would a credit union help your credit score?

You need a secured credit card if it’s your first. Pay it off every month.

Or if you have credit cards, pay them down. Quickest way to increase your score.

I went from like 700 to 848 just by paying them off.


IndicationOver t1_j1eltuc wrote

>Why would a credit union help your credit score?

Yea, confused myself.


shhhshaunna t1_j1eu8kg wrote

It’s free to apply to all credit union. Are you sure you understand what a credit union is though? It’s just a community focused bank— not really credit score focused, but many offer financial workshops and advice for members. I recommend Dutch Point Credit Union, but you have to live in an associated town.

I think your best bet for getting an apartment right now if your having trouble with credit is to try and find one that doesn’t require a credit check and work out your credit stuff slowly cus that takes time.


Redsmedsquan OP t1_j1feyrh wrote

I more want the credit Union for the: 1 additional account for credit(is better). 2 to help refinance my auto loan. 3 to look at the hard inquires I have on my account that haven’t been removed for over a year.


GoodMorningPeony t1_j1elk8g wrote

American Eagle is a good one, there’s a lot of branches.