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[deleted] OP t1_j6cxe9g wrote

Keep the proof and tell them you found out about it and ask for your money back.

If that fails, threaten to go to a lawyer. Hopefully the threat of a lawyer will get them to give you your money back.

Otherwise, if you can't afford a consultation with an attorney, there might be resources to get free consultations from young lawyers who are looking to make a name for themselves. Also, the state of CT might have programs to get you consultations with attorneys specifically to fight against landlords.

And I say this as a landlord in CT myself šŸ˜‰


[deleted] OP t1_j6cxlwd wrote



RonnieJamesDiode t1_j6d0lzq wrote

If you can't afford a lawyer, don't try for a free consult from a young lawyer (I say as a former young lawyer). Get in touch with CT legal aid: This sort of thing is right up their alley.


[deleted] OP t1_j6dc75i wrote

Thank you for providing an exact link. That's very helpful to the OP.

Are the young lawyers really that bad?


skybro1996 t1_j6dd9jx wrote

Iā€™m a junior CT attorney currently working as a clerk. Management of younger attorneys at law firms can be very very inconsistent at every stage of a legal issue. Better to start with legal aid.


WonderChopstix t1_j6dgjwk wrote

Small claims court. It's cheap and easy especially if you have proof. The burden of proof is on the landlord.


Adventurous-Aide664 t1_j6czlun wrote

Wow, scummy landlord! I don't have the answers for you but might be worth talking to a lawyer. Interested in the outcome of this


Reverserer t1_j6fwv6t wrote

ask for reconciliation with full copies of the invoice. You want copies of the full invoice. full stop. it is what any court would agree is reasonable if the landlord is expecting you to pay a portion. there is always ways to get copies of bills don't let them say they threw them away - they can call the utility company if need be.

You have a couple of choices here - can you afford to move? no? then perhaps a frank discussion of what the utility bills really were, what you paid and what kind of reconcilatio process can be done to make things even.

if you can afford to move, don't pay another dime towards the electric bill and let them TRY to evict you while you have the threat of fraud on them.

Judge won't take none too kindly and I believe there are strict statutes about not doing this in particular.