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urBEASTofBURDENog t1_j8umssy wrote

State Police still pull people over?


TFA-DF8 t1_j8uncp8 wrote

The small percentage of crimes that are still allowed to be prosecuted.


urBEASTofBURDENog t1_j8unn0c wrote

Definitely doesn't include speeding, improper Lane change following to close, commercial vehicles on the parkway... I could keep going but I'm tired...


Nyrfan2017 t1_j8ug05k wrote

The highways are patrolled by the state pd . The city’s do not patrol the highway


LargeSasquach t1_j8wuu46 wrote

The municipalities normally don't patrol the highway but they technically could. Particularly the sections that travel through their jurisdiction. They can stop a car on a highway.


Sea_Faithlessness467 t1_j8uf8ao wrote

Local police will follow until state troopers arrive and will stay the whole time thru


Jolly_Operation_1502 t1_j8vildx wrote

If the highway is in the town the police work for, yes, they have normal arrest powers. As a matter of practice, local police do not patrol the highways. Retired leo here


danofnewengland t1_j8unmo7 wrote

I have seen Westport PD parked perpendicular to 95 and Shelton PD parked perpendicular to Route 8. Looked just like a speed trap both times but I couldn’t say for sure.


Rough_Baker6714 t1_j8urbsa wrote

They can pull over on the highway within their city jurisdiction and if someone is committing a felony


Prudent-Ball2698 t1_j8v8x4m wrote

Yes depending on the town. Once they hut rhe exit around or in their town its state police


Fun-Cockroach8339 t1_j8wb2n5 wrote

Local PD would be legally allowed to stop someone on any road that goes through their municipality, for example New Haven PD could stop cars on 91/95, however the jurisdiction for what incidents that happen on the highway would fall to CSP. As a matter of practice, local police generally don’t patrol CSP jurisdictions and vice versa. Also, any officer has the authority to make a felony arrest anywhere in the state.


namesisfortombstones t1_j8xgy1w wrote

IIRC there are some weird jurisdictional lines on Route 9 in Middletown around the stoplights. Middletown PD has exits 13-16 (RT 17 connector to Hartford Ave) CSP Troop G, north of 16 and Troop F south of 13.


Icy-Following-3713 t1_j8y57wf wrote

no… unless they are involved in like a chase or something and they have to get radio clearance to go. watch super troopers


dc5xo t1_j8ufwj3 wrote

Only in Naugatuck on 8. Everywhere else is CSP


Imispellalot OP t1_j8ugbbt wrote

I live in Naugatuck and never seen Naugy cops on actual RT8. They are always hang out before the on ramp by Sunoco/cumbies.


dc5xo t1_j8ugo3m wrote

They’ve gotten me by 25 more than once over the years. I questioned it of course and was told by CSP that NPD had jurisdiction on 8 as well, dates back to when 8 was just a bunch of small highways that weren’t connected yet. I’ve seen them pull people over too, they also got a friend for fake plates about 7 years ago right by 25


ctusa73 t1_j8yletq wrote

I hate that town, always get pinched for rolling a stop or not wearing a belt.. two tickets in 25 years, both in that shit town


gaugeisgod t1_j8yuna4 wrote

Naugatuck in the early 90s was actually cool if you don’t like being policed. I mean I was like 6 but I remember how it was to get off 25 with no bullshit cop car waiting for you along the ramp. Used to be dirt bikes, quads, hell even just normal BMX all over the wooded areas/water company lands and the cops never would bother anyone. Some dude that lived next door to me had his house filled with pot plants and the whole area just reeked and still no one cared. Ahh the good ol days.