Submitted by t3_1239bxn in DIY

I am building a reach in closet in my basement. The door will need to be an outswing with hinges on the left. There seem to be very few left hand outswing doors available. For the inside of the closet the door is a right hand in swing door, right? Can I just buy one of these instead?



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t1_jdugpes wrote

The distinction for in swing vs out swing is usually only made for exterior doors. Interior doors are usually left or right hand swing. With your back against the hinges do you need the door to swing to your left or to your right. In your case you need a right hand swing door. This will have the hinges on the left and swinging to you, or flipped around the hinges on the right and swinging away from you.


t1_jdtsa6p wrote

A left in swing and a left out swing are the same thing when it comes to interior doors. You just turn it around.


t1_jduyd0x wrote

The handedness of a door is determined by being on the side where you have to push it open. If you have to push to the right, then it's right swing. Push it to the left, and it's left swing.


t1_jdwfu4e wrote

The easiest way to think about it is this:

Imagine standing with the door open and leaning with your back against the hinge-side jamb facing the latch strike plate. If the door knob of the open door is towards your LEFT hand, it's a left-handed door. If the door knob of the open door is towards your RIGHT hand, it's a right-handed door.


See the diagram here: