Basically my walls don't have studs (1970s rigid foam construction) and I want to mount my 80" TV.
Unfortunately the concrete wall is almost 4 inches behind the drywall so I'm considering tapconning a 2x4 into the concrete and then mounting the tv to the wood.
If I tapcon a 2x4 sideways, or alternatively two 2x4's on top of each other, into the concrete, with a 6" tapcon, and then mount the tv to the wood, would the weight actually be supported without splitting the tapcon in half, or pulling the second 2x4 out of the first 2x4?
LaoWai01 t1_jcpvizq wrote
Is it solid concrete, i.e a poured concrete wall, or cinder blocks? If solid, or the cinder blocks are filled, you can use red-head expansion bolts to fix a pressure treated 2x4 to the wall, the another with 3ā screws and glue to come out the distance you need. If the cinder blocks are hollow you may be able to stick a 2x4 to it with a ton of pl500 and a few tapcons to hold it until the glue dries.
Edit. PL premium may be better