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Guygan t1_j2wgdm7 wrote

> geared toward completed projects

Absolutely incorrect.

The majority of posts here are help requests.

Have you read our posting guidelines? If not, please do. It will help you understand how to post questions here.

AND for questions that don’t meet our criteria, you can post in our weekly thread, or in our Discord.

If you have questions about how to post here, please message the Moderators.


Guygan t1_j2wkqjf wrote

Help requests Self/Text Posts Only. All help requests must be made in the form of a self/text post (if you don’t know what that is, please message the moderators or learn the basics of reddit). If at all possible, include photos. A picture is worth a thousand words. Upload them to imgur, and include a link to the image set in the body of your self-post. Try not to submit just one; the more photos at different angles and zooms the better. Include the location of your request, if appropriate. This especially applies to questions about building code requirements. Specific questions only We only allow help requests once you have decided on an approach to your project, or have run in to a problem with a project underway. Your question must include context about the project you're attempting, the problem you have run in to, and the solution you are hoping to find. Questions asking how to get started with a project, which approach would be best for a project, where one can purchase a product or asking if someone has used a product before are not permitted here Please research first before posting a help request in /r/DIY. Check Google, search this subreddit to see if your problem has been answered before. We should not be your first stop when you run into a problem or have a question. If you do some research and are still unable to find your answer to your specific question, please include the details of your research when you ask your question here so that we don't cover the same ground again. Provide as much detail as possible.


Jim_from_snowy_river t1_j2wl4e3 wrote

By that write up everything I've posted meets the guidelines.

This part is in response to your comment but for some reason I couldn't actually post it as a response so I'm putting it here.

Yep definitely tracking on that first one, that one is on me.

The second one for the light fixture I tried to put in the body of the text that I'm rewiring this light and my question was about how to do that because of it missing a ballast.

There have been more examples but I've deleted them because I go through and delete a bunch of stuff off my Reddit every now and then.


Jim_from_snowy_river t1_j2wmis5 wrote

Yep definitely tracking on that first one.

The second one for the light fixture I tried to put in the body of the text that I'm rewiring this light and my question was about how to do that because of it missing a ballast.


Jim_from_snowy_river t1_j2wmq9t wrote

Yep definitely tracking on that first one, that one is on me.

The second one for the light fixture I tried to put in the body of the text that I'm rewiring this light and my question was about how to do that because of it missing a ballast.

There have been more examples but I've deleted them because I go through and delete a bunch of stuff off my Reddit every now and then.


Guygan t1_j2wmwsf wrote

There was nothing in your light post that indicated that you were doing a project, what the goal of the project was, and what your question was.

If you had posted pics of the fixture, stated what you were trying to accomplish, stated what you’d found from Googling, and stated what your specific problem was, it would be an acceptable post.


Jim_from_snowy_river t1_j2wn49c wrote

Okay I guess it was assumed by me that talking about wiring a light fixture means doing a project but I'll be more specific next time.

I appreciate you taking the time to comment back to try to help me get on the right page.