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whateveryouwant4321 t1_j8kov99 wrote

Use hot water. I had the same problem because I followed traditional advice to wash darks in cold water. Now, instead of light/dark, I separate my clothes into smelly (gym clothes, socks, underwear) and non-smelly (everything else). Smelly clothes get hot water. Solved my problem.


lastguillaume t1_j8kpdyf wrote

Run a vinegar bio carbonate wash with no clothes. Google it


Metalmusicnut t1_j8kppop wrote

White vinegar will pull alot of the smells and its also a softener. Kept having mildew smell when i went to high efficiency washer. Swapped to using distilled white vinegar and no more problems.


tsturte1 t1_j8kqier wrote

A possibility. Check & empty drain hose. Disconnect both ends. flush it out. Reconnect and pour in strong water/bleach mix in hose. It may run get back in the water pump & help kill odor. Seems like a mold or rot problem somewhere. It could even be a sock or something somewhere i the agitator or it's "piping." Last thing I would do. fill washer with a bleach mix in the washer. Let it soak a day. Then add bleach. Move it to rinse setting. When it starts to pump out water shut it off and let it soak the water soak in the lower system. Good luck. They were good machines then.


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