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mickvick19 t1_ivot32e wrote

I'd been trying to find the original Cosmos run for a while now. Pumped to watch this.


drgigg t1_ivrbr4z wrote

Download it instead, the 420p compression makes this an abomination


OldHobbitsDieHard t1_ivqxmx3 wrote

How hard did you look? I swear it's been on YouTube a while, maybe I'm wrong.


sarlackpm t1_ivppq81 wrote

The best documentry series ever made. This show gave me a direction in life.


FSMFan_2pt0 t1_ivqeavf wrote

Planet Earth is up there too.


vee_lan_cleef t1_ivsejmx wrote

Honestly, anything made by the BBC Natural History crew are all equally great. Planet Earth did a fantastic job of giving a general overview of the planet but it hardly scratched the surface of what's actually out there to be filmed. Frozen Planet II just recently came out and it's equally incredible, and Planet Earth III is supposed to come out soon, but there are a few hundred other nature documentaries by the BBC that don't get nearly the recognition they deserve, and a lot of the older ones have been re-scanned and released in HD like Attenborough's Life on Earth.

I think one of my all-time favorites is Life In The Undergrowth, filmed using macro lenses that make even the smallest insects incredibly detailed, an entire world we can't see with the naked eye.


IlluminatedPickle t1_ivsfpn9 wrote

One of my favourites was "Life of a Cell" (? I think that was the title anyway) narrated by David Tennant. An incredible look at the hugely complex things your body does to remain alive.


TraceyRobn t1_ivskk1t wrote

Yes, so much better than the Cosmos sequel made a few years back.

Cosmos was amazing. The late 1970s/early 1980's were probably the golden age of documentaries. Cosmos, Civilization, The Ascent of Man, Life on Earth and James Bourke's Connections are all still great.


sarlackpm t1_ivspc7h wrote

Yeah, you just hit my exact shortlist! They are all amazing. I feel like simply showing that set to kids could get them interested in pretty much everything.


Graham2405 t1_ivpzwtp wrote

How about Ascent of Man….?


sarlackpm t1_ivsp1q6 wrote

That, Connections and Civilisation are up there too, no doubt about it. But Cosmos has that extra magic. For one, the subject matter covered is so broad that the chance of igniting that spark in someone watching at some point is almost inevitable. Second, Carl Sagan's way of delivering facts, the exposition, is second to nobody. He was, and is, the very best of science teachers.


Angrymic2002 t1_ivt6w51 wrote

Alone in the Wilderness is great as well. I also really enjoyed ND Tyson’s remake of Cosmos


OceanShaman725 t1_ivp932x wrote

Obligatory mention of his "Pale Blue Dot" speech


CanterburyTerrier t1_ivqc1go wrote

I'm not sure it's in Cosmos, but his speech on humility is one of the best logical arguments for the existence of extra terrestrial life even though it doesn't really mention it at all. It's subject is our insignificance. As Webb begins to capture the chemical signatures of exoplanet atmospheres it should give us patience to know that NOT finding life elsewhere would be completely contrary to every great demotion we've experienced so far:

Also, The Frontier is Everywhere:

When he mentions that it will not be we who reaches alpha centauri but a species very like us with more of our strengths and fewer of our weaknesses, it makes me gasp.


Matix-xD t1_ivpjbos wrote

Greatest TV series ever created, imo. RIP Carl.


KvotheKolapsO t1_ivps50r wrote

This series changed my outlook on science, philosophy and life in general. I can't overstate how important this was for me, I hope it was the same for a lot of people.


FSMFan_2pt0 t1_ivqe3ez wrote

His book Demon Haunted World did that for me. Highly recommended reading that holds up well today.


CautiouslyMe t1_ivtzqyj wrote

Joining this thread because both the Cosmos series and the Demon haunted world did this for me. Changed my life ie.


Aeropro t1_ivpgcbq wrote

We are a way for the cosmos to know itself


turd_boy t1_ivopfel wrote

Wow! do you think this will stay up?


Saganism1996 OP t1_ivpf9tv wrote

It’s my understanding that it is temporarily available for Carl’s birthday. However it will return soon.


Lord_Boffum t1_ivqskch wrote

What a shame. Got a source for this?


Saganism1996 OP t1_ivqtb3o wrote

@carlsagandotcom instagram.

But I’ve heard there are plans for the future. Maybe it will find its home soon.


classic_buttso t1_ivqq4zc wrote

Cosmos was the very first thing I watched on YouTube when YouTube began. It would be good if it was always freely available.


ashbyashbyashby t1_ivqv8xl wrote

Its always available somewhere on YouTube, if not as a 13hour video then as separate episodes. Some have been up for years.


TesseractToo t1_ivpa2ck wrote

Thanks! I have this on DVD but my whole life is in storage atm so I can't get to it


san_murezzan t1_ivqp5ot wrote

Funnily enough I just finished it for the first time and it was worth all thirteen hours.


Theundercave t1_ivozt0b wrote

Sagan and I share a birthday and I've always felt a very deep connection to his work thanks for the post I've been thinking about his personal voyage for a while now


th3r3dp3n t1_ivpzk8x wrote

Happy birthday then! It is my birthday too, and I have loved that Carl Sagan and I share a birthday, and you too, u/Theundercave.


Fackostv t1_ivr8we0 wrote

I remember the first time I saw this. A few of my buddies and I all did mushrooms. We watched a four hour best of montage that one of them created and it blew our fucken minds.


Bermondsey21 t1_ivpr19q wrote

Happy Birthday to an old friend. We miss you Dearly!!


ashbyashbyashby t1_ivquywt wrote

I bought this on BluRay a few months ago after watching a crappy VHS for the 80s and 90s, and a crappy YouTube rip in the 10s and 20s. Turns out BluRay really doesn't look that much better 😝


vhw_ t1_ivt6423 wrote

I have it on dvd an was looking to upgrade, that blows! So... do I save a few bucks or quality really is that bad?


NervousSirVex t1_ivrdugy wrote

I'm trying to convince my wife to name our upcoming daughter Sagan. Carl Sagan was a national treasure.


chamacchan t1_ivryl6c wrote

I rewatch this at least once a year and sometimes when I'm sick ❤️


Wafik25 t1_ivp0xqw wrote

Love this, thanks for sharing.


Spirit50Lake t1_ivquc57 wrote

Thank you SO MUCH for finding and posting this!


_yarayara_ t1_ivp2t3q wrote

Following Sagan documentary


HeyCarpy t1_ivp7o2n wrote

Saved and subscribed. What a joyous day.


Larrycusamano t1_ivq61ee wrote

Excellent series. This should be a high school course. Have it on DVD and watch it every couple years as a refresher.


vinayd t1_ivqb217 wrote

So happy to see this pop up in the midst of all the other news….He is going to be an idol for generations. What a tremendous beacon of hope for all of us - the man was like a candle in the dark.


Fredasa t1_ivqpzze wrote

Somewhat famously, this show does not exist anywhere on the internet (with some very slight exceptions) in its original 1980 broadcast iteration. The 2002 DVD release is the 1990 "special edition" which changed about half of the music and half of the special effects sequences. In other words, better than half of the entire body of footage across all 13 episodes is, in some way, different from how it was originally intended.

You would think that something as famous and ubiquitous as Cosmos, which had been re-broadcast in its original state for at least the 1980-1985 span, would be available in its original version on the likes of Youtube or The problem is that the "special edition" exists; the DVD set exists; the bluray upscale exists—once people have "a version", there's little enthusiasm remaining for something as specific as "the original version".


Lord_Boffum t1_ivqssqc wrote

Wait, so there's no complex web of rights holding that back, just a lack of interest?


Fredasa t1_ivqvhrn wrote

The main thing holding it back is, yes, a lack of interest/awareness because 99.9% of folks don't really care beyond getting "Carl Sagan's Cosmos" in their hands. But a strong secondary factor would be the fact that there was never a commercial release of the broadcast version, which in turn means the only sources that exist for it would be home video recordings. While this is not normally a great barrier, especially for something that was almost certainly very widely recorded (Youtube and are absolutely overflowing with digitized VHS tapes), the existence of the Cosmos DVD set is what ultimately puts the nails in the coffin.

Just visualize this scenario: "Huh, I have Cosmos recorded on these old VHS tapes. Maybe I should think about digitizing them for posterity. Oh, wait, no: the whole thing was already released on DVD. I guess there's no point." Multiply that by thousands and we have today's situation.


ashbyashbyashby t1_ivqvp9c wrote

Man, you're neurotic. None of that stuff matters. The message and content is still identical.


Fredasa t1_ivqwdi6 wrote

This isn't a discussion about the message. Cosmos is my #1 favorite documentary (-esque) series of all time. I have an interest in being able to experience it as though I were tuning in to PBS in 1980. It's really nothing more complicated than that. Though there also absolutely exists merit in preserving the history of perhaps the most important landmark series in documentary history.


ashbyashbyashby t1_ivqwmtk wrote

Again, neurotic. You're obsessing over minor details to try and relive the past and get back to a better time. Live in the now, even though its a dystopian hellscape.

EDIT: The coward either side of this comment blocked me.


Fredasa t1_ivqwz6r wrote

You must be having a bad day. I'm satisfied that sites like exist as bastions against arbitrary contrarianism like this.


ChupaMacabra t1_ivqxdjy wrote

Happy birthday to a legend of a human 🌠


spongebobama t1_ivr3pwq wrote

Dont make me cry today man...


WodtheHunter t1_ivrjgox wrote

I went to a pottery painting class with my sister. I painted a flour jar with a spiral galaxy and the words, "If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe."


Etheking t1_ivroe6j wrote

This is one of the most incredible series ever made in human history.


Brunch_Included t1_ivru5zy wrote

This series is as good as it gets. The soundtrack too.


framejunkie t1_ivrxukr wrote

What's also amazing to me is 1980 is only 11 years difference from 1969 when we walked on the moon.


rrrr_reubs t1_ivsp5j0 wrote

“If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe”.


HelenEk7 t1_ivswo88 wrote

"The cold war is now history"



T2times t1_ivuvmfg wrote

Is everything still pretty accurate? I mean, scientific wise?