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gigaswardblade t1_j659fui wrote

Why it ourple?


awfulfalafelwaffles t1_j65mpes wrote



akusokuZAN t1_j65tzbb wrote

I will attempt to carry this with me for the rest of my days. Hopefully, in the distant future, on my deathbed, the chance will opportune for me to ask, wearily: Why it ourple?


maybelle180 t1_j65n559 wrote

It be like that sometimes. I have a similar shot of the late afternoon sky in Switzerland. It looks fake but it’s not.


LinnunRAATO t1_j67vjg0 wrote

It does kinda look edited. I have seen hot pink skies, but I don't think they ever cast pink light on the surroundings? Not to say it's not possible, just my observation.


maybelle180 t1_j6a0lej wrote

I dunno, maybe my eye isn’t that good- I can’t tell if it’s casting pink light or if the purple is just overwhelming since it’s above and below the landscape. Here’s mine, totally untouched, for comparison.


LinnunRAATO t1_j6a4vlj wrote

Aw, pretty photo. Yes, the lake and horizon fog could be attributing to it.