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dacourtbatty OP t1_is1p1gb wrote

Turns out they aren’t that good but still interesting.


greenappletree t1_is38i5v wrote

I’m surprised they didn’t do this with an organoid instead


NaughtyNome t1_is1u0q3 wrote

Were the brain cells asked if they wanted to play pong?


ooru t1_is1xv0v wrote

No, but the other option was ET, and they didn't want to seem cruel.


CthuluTheGrand t1_is2dvv9 wrote

Terrifying if they have some kind of sentience. You entire existence is playing pong. Up until they get bored and dump you in the trash.


HisaxiaC t1_is3bzxv wrote

"What is my purpose?"

"You play pong."

"Oh my god..."


Blackadder_ t1_is4ln1t wrote

So they are already religious and into some cloaked dude in universe?


Theyabus t1_is23re3 wrote

This is a little frightening. Are there any ethical considerations when using brain matter in this manner?

I cannot speak. I must pong, too.


MentallyMusing t1_is1u06c wrote

I wonder what other things register in/with lab grown brain cells (from a mix of unidentified species's stem cells mixed with mice embryos) that can play games and how much more of a carcass is needed (how long they need it to grow into some unidentified new secret science species) for the brain cells to become and stay active.... They always leave out the good stuff we NEED to know while telling us what They prefer we know and thank them for


N-v-W t1_is4heku wrote

"These 800,000 lab-grown brain cells can play a 1970s video game, albeit badly"

It probably wants to ragequit already and is all like "I have no mouth, and I must scream".


TrialENDErr t1_is2x8or wrote

ugh! wish they would show an actual video. It's called a video game darn it!


irongamer t1_is2x94r wrote

How long before they start harvesting from people to pilot spaceships between solar systems?


Test19s t1_is2j8hn wrote

Imagine taking someone from 2019 and fast forwarding them into 2022. They would think they were either high or a science fiction character.


evenman27 t1_is2mot2 wrote

That’s how I feel right now learning about this


Test19s t1_is2n0vr wrote

Don’t shoot me. I’m just the guy who watched a Transformers movie back in 2019 (although technically this is more Go-Bot technology).


UnderstandingOk2647 t1_is220cv wrote

Please don't. Asking for a friend who doesn't like killer robots.
