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ygofukov t1_iwpswq0 wrote

Sounds like they need to stop whining and fight on Robot Wars.


Frequent_Champion_42 t1_iwq71vh wrote

Based the gruesome documentary series “BattleBots”, whichever bot gets a rotating spinning blade around it should win handily


n3w4cc01_1nt t1_iwu1r0g wrote

you're right. future ai robots would watch that series and their programming would make them sad about their ancestors being force to kill each other to entertain people who are obsessed with science fiction and craft beer.


[deleted] t1_iwqdyri wrote

Yes, if this isn't decided in a ring then I don't know what we're even doing here.


Sheruk t1_iwr0eot wrote

these is the most likely outcome of the robot apocalypse. it wasn't technology gone wrong, or AI... it was corporate greed which turned into an arms race to secure the patent and manufacturing rights of robots.


moderatenerd t1_iwr2i4o wrote

I'm picturing a cartoon villain montage where one guy builds weapons on the back of the robot and the other guy builds bigger weapons on the back of his and they just keep doing it until the world is full of robot dog weapons or one of them explodes.


femmestem t1_iwry0jd wrote

That's essentially how The Great Butter Battle by Dr Seuss ended


jormungandrsjig t1_iwthuxh wrote

> Sounds like they need to stop whining and fight on Robot Wars.

I want to see Atlas vs Tesla bot, the one mass firing people.


BigBobby2016 t1_iwpwjhw wrote

The headline (and some of the article) make it sound like copying a robot dog at all is what the lawsuit is about (which would be ridiculous). The parts of the article about the specific patents being violated sound like Boston Dynamics have a case.


dontEatMyChurros t1_iwqmqc2 wrote

It sounds like the patents are overly inclusive. There aren't a lot of options for "self righting" a quadruped. If BD's patent involves the use of the legs to self right it would prevent basically any legged robot from self righting without infringement.


KingliestWeevil t1_iwquczq wrote

This sounds like when Apple patented "rounded corners" on a phone, and also "a pin pad that unlocks your phone when the number is successfully entered WITHOUT needing to press enter/ok"


coder0xff t1_iwr8x4s wrote

My new favorite example is Netflix's patent on the "skip intro" feature.


StarGaurdianBard t1_iwtoud8 wrote

If you look into it you'd see it's nothing alike lol. They have a legitimate case. And to be clear, we should want the people who said they would never turn their robodog into a weapon to gatekeep people who steal their patents so they can add guns to it and make a bunch of money.


Somekindofcabose t1_iwqu260 wrote

Speaking as someone who processes patents the number of items they would have had to have copied from SEVEN patents is huge.

It's not like you invent a thing send the design in and that's it. Every invention can have as many claims as they can back up.

Their leg swing patent has over 20 claims for example (pat no. 11447195 you can take that number to the government site and it's public information)


[deleted] t1_iwqq3x2 wrote

So then don’t build a legged robot, smh.


RiseAboveHat t1_iwrfst4 wrote

Ah yes, let’s shut down any company that wants to make a robot with legs, because BD has a bullshit patent that prohibits anybody else from self righting their own robot.

How do you even function with a line of thinking like this? This is the equivalent of McDonalds patenting the order in which they prepare a Big Mac, and suing any other company (or person) who makes a burger in that order. If you think this is somehow okay, then you have a seriously flawed perspective on how technological advancements are made, and it would be best for you the get educated.


bearetak t1_iws95m9 wrote

Did anyone even read the patents they cited? A few are shit like self righting, stair climbing, and using ballscrews. All of which are the bread and butter of legged robotics lol.

It's like Ford patenting the wheel and suing a no name car company.


ThiccitMaster t1_iwsbqi5 wrote

Dude just look at Ghosts robot. Its literally the exact same as BD spot. 1 or 2 infringements is one thing but 7 is another thing entirely. If the video was uploaded without the ghost logo anyone would assume its a BD robot.


bearetak t1_iwscez8 wrote

If 4 legs is "literally the exact same" then I guess every car on the road today is an exact copy of the Ford model T lol.

Also "it like totally looks the same" isn't a very good case in court don't you think? Hahaha

Well you can sue anyone for anything, so the number of alleged infringements doesn't matter. It's just a large company bullying a smaller one. Large companies do this kind of shit all the time to smaller ones. Just bury them in litigation because you have the cash to burn and the small ones don't.


ThiccitMaster t1_iwsekr5 wrote

As i said, 7 patents is a lot to infringe. We're not talking one or two things here. BD say no guns on our robots, ghost come in, copy the bot and say yeah guns on it. Not that hard to see whats happening really


bearetak t1_iwsessn wrote

Wat lol, ghost was founded in 2015 and they were putting guns on their robots wayyyy before BD said they wouldn't. Wtf are you talking about.

Again, you can claim anything you want in a lawsuit.


ThiccitMaster t1_iwslxwk wrote

Im siding with the people not putting guns on robots thanks. My facts were wrong, i thought the decision for no guns was long ago. Fuck guns on robots though and fuck Ghost for pushing ahead.


bearetak t1_iwsmaub wrote

I'm sure that opinion will change right quick when China starts using their own gun toting robots on Taiwanese civilians hahahaha.


ThiccitMaster t1_iwstaj3 wrote

Im going to guess you're American from that alone


bearetak t1_iwsuik5 wrote

I guess you missed that China has been arming and live fire testing their own 4 legged robots. That's a you problem.


Words_Are_Hrad t1_iwuavas wrote

>Fuck guns on robots though

There be a lot of robots with guns in Ukraine right now you know... The world is watching this. The world will be putting guns on robots. I want the best gunbots on my side thanks. So I would like to see the patent system enforced fairly regardless of wether or not they are making gunbots.


[deleted] t1_iwrgizg wrote

Why question my thinking instead of the body that gave the patent?

Until then, enforce it.


Ace_of_Clubs t1_iwrf1o3 wrote

I used to work at Ghost, it's a small team of hard-working engineers who are busting their ass with insane hours to make this thing work. You should have seen our walls, they were literally destroyed from the amount of times the V60 crashed into them. If there's any patent infringement going on, I'd love to see it, because trail and error was the name of the game and I saw it first hand.


daddy2shoes t1_iwtgs46 wrote

Unfortunately it doesn’t matter how you came up with it if it ends up being the same as a patented method. First to patent the method is what matters.


BillHicksScream t1_iwqxbf5 wrote

Headlines are not summaries, takeaways or important. They are candy wrappers, but they say "read me" instead of "eat me".

Thats it. There is nothing important in a headline.


Gari_305 OP t1_iwpofhu wrote

From the Article

>As The Robot Report explains, Boston Dynamics is suing Ghost Robotics for allegedly infringing seven patents linked to its Spot quadruped. The Spirit 40 and Vision 60 (shown above) purportedly borrow key technologies from Spot, including systems for self-righting and climbing stairs.
>Boston Dynamics says it asked Ghost Robotics to review Spot-related patents in July 2020, five months after the launch of the Spirit 40. After that, Boston claims to have sent two cease-and-desist letters asking Ghost to stop marketing its robot canines. Ghost was thus well aware of what it was doing, according to the lawsuit.
>We've asked Ghost Robotics for comment. In a statement, Boston Dynamics claimed it "welcome[s] competition" but would crack down on companies violating its intellectual property rights. The Hyundai-owned firm is seeking unspecified damages as part of the suit.


UpvoteMeOrUGay t1_iwposp8 wrote

They should make them fight to the death. Winner takes all.


mypostisbad t1_iwr17wu wrote

"you call the robot dog and we'll call the robot dog, and we'll see who it comes to"


me2dumb4college t1_iwq84ke wrote

I really hope they served the cease and desist letters with a robot dog


DarthMeow504 t1_iwry69f wrote

Robot dogs, meh. Wake me up when they invent robot catgirls.


ogfuzzball t1_iwqw9tn wrote

I suspect a covert ops robo-dog team will soon be visiting their competitor.


Storyteller-Hero t1_iwr8eob wrote

Meanwhile in Japan, robotics researchers are exploring the possibility of robot lovers and autonomous Gundams...


Canna_Money t1_iws1xe9 wrote

Hmm okay so Boston dynamics says they won’t allow their equipment to be used with weaponry.

Then this company comes and just rebuilds their dog thing like nothing ……. Hmm


FuturologyBot t1_iwpriqo wrote

The following submission statement was provided by /u/Gari_305:

From the Article

>As The Robot Report explains, Boston Dynamics is suing Ghost Robotics for allegedly infringing seven patents linked to its Spot quadruped. The Spirit 40 and Vision 60 (shown above) purportedly borrow key technologies from Spot, including systems for self-righting and climbing stairs.
>Boston Dynamics says it asked Ghost Robotics to review Spot-related patents in July 2020, five months after the launch of the Spirit 40. After that, Boston claims to have sent two cease-and-desist letters asking Ghost to stop marketing its robot canines. Ghost was thus well aware of what it was doing, according to the lawsuit.
>We've asked Ghost Robotics for comment. In a statement, Boston Dynamics claimed it "welcome[s] competition" but would crack down on companies violating its intellectual property rights. The Hyundai-owned firm is seeking unspecified damages as part of the suit.

Please reply to OP's comment here:


guitarokx t1_iwqoy9j wrote

I mean... this is really Hyundai suing a rival now isn't it? Boston Dynamics is not owned by Hyundai and is just a robotics department for the Korean automaker right?


Nutsnboldt t1_iwqztaf wrote

Should settle this with a robotic dog fight and have Michael Vick referee. Put it on pay per view and all proceeds go to ASPCA.


SpaceAdventureCobraX t1_iws20sa wrote

Ps: we said no guns and you went and did guns. This is unacceptable and frankly, very naughty.


B01SSIN t1_iws49om wrote

Should have made robocats, seems like the obvious choice.


cyrixlord t1_iwtkyzl wrote

silly boston dynamics, your dogs don't have guns on them and you promised not to weaponize your robots. clearly they are different !!111


LeCordonB1eu t1_iwtlllu wrote

Samsung once got sued by Apple, and lost, for having rounded corners on rectangular phones. Boston Dynamics sueing Ghost Robotics for copying its dog robot design doesn't sound too silly anymore.


Omegastrator t1_iwqj4jc wrote

So what I’m reading is “Boston Dynamics sues Ghost Robotics because robot dog looks like robot dog”


Somekindofcabose t1_iwquaxz wrote

That's not how patents work unless they're design patents.

Boston Dynamics invented quite a lot and if their claim is true that 7 patents were infringed that's huge.

(Try reading the article next time)


DataSquid2 t1_iwr2d6h wrote

After reading the headline, which inherently proves I can read (further proved by my ability to write a sentence), I've came to the conclusion that these are both robot dogs.


ThiccitMaster t1_iwsbvxx wrote

How about read the article instead of just the headlines? Might help a bit in future :)


DataSquid2 t1_iwsid4u wrote

I will read half the headline and claim I read the entire headline instead. I hope this is sufficient for Reddit. Btw, did you see that there's a Boston dog with a lawsuit now?


ThiccitMaster t1_iwslo6q wrote

That works too haha get half the story and make up the rest. Who's to know, amirite


bearetak t1_iws8m2c wrote


The patents they cited were for self righting, stair climbing, and using ballscrews. Like c'mon lol. That's like Ford patenting the wheel and suing a small no name car company.


[deleted] t1_iwqgx88 wrote

I saw a spot dog for sale in china. Didn't look exactly the same, but still. Sue? Lol.


Kent_Knifen t1_iwqs3a3 wrote

China is not part of the Berne Convention, so a patent lawsuit wouldn't work.


Somekindofcabose t1_iwquljf wrote

China has a state sponsored business to steal intellectual property.

It's BAD.

And their courts favor Chinese companies.


JamalBall435 t1_iwpqras wrote

Sounds like Boston Dynamics is all bark and no bite


agha0013 t1_iwqte4s wrote

only threatening a lawsuit would be bark. Actually launching a legal battle is a bite.