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imjerry t1_j1obf4k wrote

We're just on a slower timeline than For All Mankind.

Also more commercial. Also we may have missed the opportunity they had to develop clean energy and will suffer the climate consequences.


YawnTractor_1756 t1_j1ojnh6 wrote

>we may have missed the opportunity they had to develop clean energy

Sorry I might have missed the news, but what exactly was that opportunity, and when exactly did we miss it?


InternationalPen2072 t1_j1otbqo wrote

In For All Mankind, fusion was developed in the 90s and emissions dropped almost immediately. We are still burning fossil fuels and are at least decades from fusion power. We are already seeing climate catastrophe unravel.


YawnTractor_1756 t1_j1otrfm wrote

Ah, gotcha thanks.

(That's a funny timeline for sure. Even if we invented practical fusion reactor design literally tomorrow it would take decades to ramp-up power plants and phase out fossil-burning)


InternationalPen2072 t1_j1p6z7i wrote

Yes, for sure. I don’t think it’s very realistic in that regard, but in most other ways it seemed very realistic in my (unqualified) opinion. Especially the Lunar conflicts.


Don_Vicente t1_j1oa6ic wrote

Is there any ship wreck or debris on the moon? Do you guys think there will be?


imjerry t1_j1ob09b wrote

Original US landing sites. Also whalers.


Shyriath t1_j1oegh7 wrote

But there ain't no whales, so they tell tall tales, and sing a whaling tune!


AmeriToast t1_j1otmbs wrote

Didn't a booster from one of china's rockets impact the moon last year?


Menamar t1_j1qpteu wrote

I think that was in March, but yea.


XFun16 t1_j1xsaeq wrote

All the stuff that's lost ends up on the Moon, so probably a lot.


Gari_305 OP t1_j1o5cpd wrote

From the Article

>China may launch a new vessel capable of carrying its first crewed mission to the moon as early as 2027, according to the head of the country’s biggest space contractor.

Also form the article

>The plans include more Chang’e missions, which aim to bring samples from the far side of the moon back to Earth in 2026, an environmental and resource survey at the south pole of the moon the following year, and establish a research station also at the south pole in 2028.


Utterlybored t1_j1rrw2v wrote

And do they have a date for when the rocket to bring them back will be ready?


FuturologyBot t1_j1o993g wrote

The following submission statement was provided by /u/Gari_305:

From the Article

>China may launch a new vessel capable of carrying its first crewed mission to the moon as early as 2027, according to the head of the country’s biggest space contractor.

Also form the article

>The plans include more Chang’e missions, which aim to bring samples from the far side of the moon back to Earth in 2026, an environmental and resource survey at the south pole of the moon the following year, and establish a research station also at the south pole in 2028.

Please reply to OP's comment here:


Addictd2Justice t1_j1of2ll wrote

Yep gonna take a few years for em to work out how to land the thing rather than let it tumble back to Earth and crash where ever the fuck it wants


bobbertwest t1_j1s2pru wrote

Depends on how much more technology they can steel from NASA


ovirt001 t1_j1wb62o wrote

> hopes

I bet the DPRK "hopes" to have a viable moon-bound rocket by 2027 as well.


choopie-chup-chup t1_j1o74xv wrote

Because they want those Uigers gone already

/s. Just a joke people, kinda like CCP's human rights record


Ducky181 t1_j1sgh5k wrote

Sure, your comment is off topic, but it’s disgusting you are receiving dislikes due to pointing out an actual genocide happening, which is still shamelessly being denied today,


abark006 t1_j1p4zhe wrote

Didn’t we just do that ? Like a month ago ? Oh wait no that was the 1960s.


Primus_the_Knave t1_j1pkenq wrote

At the rate things are going I suspect China won’t be a country by 2027.


Tupcek t1_j1pxal6 wrote

idk, all the protests looks localized and die off pretty fast.
Meanwhile, power got a lot more centralized in the last year, so I would say, state has become stronger than it was. Not really a good thing, but I don’t see China anywhere near the collapse


itsallrighthere t1_j1q1fo4 wrote

Demographics are destiny.


SentientHotdogWater t1_j1sl5db wrote

I don't think their demographic issues are going to reach the point where they could end the country in only 5 years.


itsallrighthere t1_j1su8ty wrote

Depends. They might have half as many workers by 2030. Not sure how this will work out for them.


ovirt001 t1_j1wazc1 wrote

Based on official data (which is drastically overstated), China will lose 200 million workers by 2050. The number will be substantially higher given China's real TFR is around 1.


ramriot t1_j1p4y7k wrote

I will be a long duration mission though because the rocket to bring them back won't be ready until 2030.


skraddleboop t1_j1os8db wrote

Stop posting about China, nobody believes what they say or cares to hear what they plan to do, until they stop their evil BS.
