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Astalon18 t1_j1ss00v wrote

Prediction 1:- ChatGPT will improve to the point it renders Google obsolete, and people will be trawling through it for research projects or code mining etc.. It’s presence will threaten establish writers in the same way DallE has threatened artist. Scientific advance will improve.

Prediction 2:- EV or hydrogen will take over petrol car in terms of new sales by 2028. There will still be more petrol vehicle but their dusk is sealed by 2028.

Prediction 3:- It is likely we will have a large El Niño between now and 2028. The impact of this El Niño will be devastating for many developing countries, and I wholly anticipate a large climate refugee wave.

Prediction 4:- We will have our first senolytics completing phase 2 trials by 2028.