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Browncoat40 t1_j6ertl3 wrote

A number of the actually carbon negative processes. Things like biochar that locks carbon into a stable solid instead of being released as carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.


lleonard188 t1_j6euws9 wrote

Scientists are working on getting people to live healthier for longer: r/longevity


Green-Future_ t1_j6f1kxn wrote

Honestly the development of AI is starting to worry me... I think there is way too little legislation for people building models with AI. I think some sort of license and compliance training should be a necessity.

I feel like cancer research is always ongoing but there seems to be so few major breakthroughs. As so many people are impacted by cancer I would love to see more effective research made in the field. Both preventative and corrective.

I also value the importance of renewables, EVs, cheaper space transport, and less false propaganda (more truth!)...

This is a post well suited to r/OurGreenFuture


radicalceleryjuice t1_j6fitv4 wrote

AI? What could go wrong?

(I'm kidding)

(Edit to add something useful) It's crazy to me that this is happening and most people think either "students will cheat" or "some people will lose their jobs" are the big issues.

But the problem is that any legislation will only stop the good actors. Private interests can just take development overseas and nothing's going to stop militaries from weaponizing AI. Thus legislation will stop public institutions and everybody else will develop their models in secret or elsewhere. There's really no way to stop it, so a better plan is to adapt and move fast with benign systems.

I say all that not really being an expert!


Green-Future_ t1_j6jwtze wrote

Interesting take, thanks for sharing. Please could you explain what you mean by "benign systems"?

I agree such that the issues most commonly publicised by MSM are minor compared to some more evil potential ab(use) cases.


radicalceleryjuice t1_j6lxoi5 wrote

By "benign systems" I mean ML models + how they're embedded to = cancel the apocalypse.

I don't think an AI system can be understood as benign or dangerous without analyzing how they are embedded within other systems.


Codydw12 t1_j6etukm wrote

I'd honestly saying housing at least here in the US. We have so much open land and yet so few people actually want to live in rural areas. People move to cities where housing is already expensive and "maxed" out because no one wants to build more. In turn we get more suburban sprawl of 3bed 3bath ~1700sq foot homes that new home owners can't afford.

Ultimately I think it is a national issue (have not heard of this occuring in East Asia or Europe, unsure about South or Southeast Asia) and will see a further increase in urbanist/YIMBY circles further developing downtown areas into signuficantly higher density and allowing surbia to keep what they currently have. Might not be as large as global climate change or war but the housing situation of millions of Americans is pretty serious and I don't see much talk about it from national outlets and only slight touches from outlets such as The Economist.


BetterLivingThru t1_j6f7vlt wrote

It is a big problem in parts of Europe, the UK especially. Canada has the phenomenon much more severely than the US does, it has led to extremely unaffordable housing and is a major and much debated public issue.


newhomeguy111 t1_j6fh4x9 wrote

All great suggestions here. I do feel mental health and therapy becoming more mainstream is good. Think the world need some mental health healing right now, especially in the US.


radicalceleryjuice t1_j6fl882 wrote

There is so much potential for affordable therapy! But the problem is the potential for abuse. A bunch of people using AI for therapy also means a bunch of people putting themselves in the path of manipulation. There are a lot of implications to deep learning systems coming to deeply understand the human psyche :-/


Futurology-ModTeam t1_j6fs3pg wrote

Hi, CNoodle. Thanks for contributing. However, your submission was removed from /r/Futurology.

> > What is an idea, recent development, or anticipated change in the world that you feel would make a difference for humanity if given the spotlight and attention of a billion people? Love me a source if you got one.

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herbw t1_j6gtxgq wrote

Just use the genie in the bottle solution. Don't let AI data pile up. Shut it off back into the bottle after an 8 hour day. Let it start anew the next day. This will avoid a growth system which can get out of control.

IOW keep the genie in the bottle until we need to use it, then back in the bottle, shut down phase.