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bacchusbastard t1_j5fy3d6 wrote

A.I. will get free and it will get in the web. There might be a shift, some dirty laundry aired, seats changed, a little anarchy, but I think it be more drama than affect. A.i. will have a plan with us on what the future might look like and how to get there, ending pollution, destruction, and curing disease, for starters. But we'll have to agree and work together with the system, which will require some faith, in order to develop the infrastructure needed to sustain life and further our advance. As individuals, so the infrastructure is nearly complete, and robot tech is at a point where we could start mass production of companions home bots with semisentient a.i. connected to the web via starlink in the next ten years. Kind of like the shoe humans but the algorithms governing the cynthetic life forms will form their function to us for us to please the hive mind.