Submitted by SnooJokes6794 t3_11rocnt in GetMotivated

Like, I know people say learn from where you went wrong. So I got my results yesterday, I did not do well but I have another exam in 1.5 months and I can do better. But this failure has hit me hard. People who did worse than me on college ranked way higher than me. It is a competitive exam so I have no choice but to compare.

How do I pull myself together and build myself up? I have the resources, I have the flashcards, I have the question papers, I just need a good strategy and better focus. What tips do you have for me?



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charlesbasslover t1_jc9soar wrote

try to study for 15 minutes then take a break then study for another 15 minutes. in total 30 minutes a day. you should watch videos and take notes on your subject of your exam and try to teach it to someone if that helps you understand the material. just try to study 30 min every day. remember that the more you help your self now the better your results are gonna be in 1.5 months. ;)


SnooJokes6794 OP t1_jc9xcce wrote

Thanks mate, yeah I used pomodoro to focus earlier but I feel like I had useless sessions interspersed with productive ones. I have handwritten notes but yeah, the last line definitely helps. I need to help myself now and not set myself up for failure.


BlazinSpeed t1_jca5sge wrote

I highly, highly recommend therapy. I was very perfectionistic when it came to performance because of my upbringing.

Look into resources from your college to find someone to talk to. It will make the world of difference, trust me :)


SnooJokes6794 OP t1_jcdcqxp wrote

Thank you. Yes I definitely need therapy. As a doctor, it is a shame I haven't signed up for it yet but these exams are really taking my time away. Thanks tho, I will sign up for therapy ASAP.


jkjk119 t1_jcaiwbr wrote

I'd first make sure that I get a great quality of sleep and exercise to get my health up.

Your basic health will determine your overall mental focus and drive.


SnooJokes6794 OP t1_jcdcwvp wrote

Thanks mate. I needed to hear that. I've gained an unhealthy amount of weight studying from home so yes, I could use some exercise and charted breaks to improve focus, thanks.


jjjjjjjjjjjlol t1_jcay1q9 wrote

Everybody who’s replied has been on the money. It’s a combination of sleep, studying, and believing in yourself. Make sure you are well rested so you can study, and well rested before your exam. It’s challenging to to study, but as soon as you start, it’s easy to keep your rhythm.

What always helps me the most is watching videos regarding the topic. Sometimes it’s best to teach yourself and develop your own understanding of the subject material.

Good luck!


SnooJokes6794 OP t1_jcdczob wrote

Thank you, yeah everyone gave great advice. Will definitely keep it all in mind!