Submitted by Gainsborough-Smythe t3_yhtpfe in GetMotivated

I Will Remember

When I feel nervous or insecure I will remember that I have as much right to be here as anyone else. I don’t recall asking to be born but, since I am here now, I will remember that it is my birthright to live without fear, guilt or intimidation.

When I am sad I will remember that sadness only exists because there is happiness. I will remember that rainbows are built not just from sunshine ~ they also need rain. I remind myself that all things come in cycles and that after the rain, there will be sunshine.

When I feel frightened or stressed I will remember that there are an infinite number of things in the world to worry about and they'll still be there whether I worry about them or not. There are also an infinite number of things to celebrate, the best being life, love and new possibilities!

When I feel bored I will realize that right now is the perfect time to make new plans, to create my own new directions.

When I feel thoughtful I will remember that it is I who am in control of my thoughts, and therefore my thoughts shall only be positive, beneficial ones, and ones that remind me of my own self control. I will appreciate the good feelings that good thoughts will create.

When I feel good I will celebrate that feeling by sharing it with those around me, and I will know that the reason I feel good is because I deserve to feel good.



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weirdslytherin t1_iug3u9k wrote

the line that says whether you worry about the problems of the world, they’ll still be there regardless, spoke to me in so many levels. ta!


ark_world7 t1_iuge6rd wrote

Thank you for this 🌻✨ We are not alone, let's keep going for the things who make a sense that we exist 💙


artbypaulh t1_iuhdv6n wrote

What an amazing articulation of what we all feel and think on a daily basis. If words can change lives (and I believe they can) then this post will have a lasting positive impact on more lives then you can possibly imagine.



NeedARita t1_iuhx19x wrote

The whole thing is awesome, but that first section… that hit home. Thank you for sharing.


nutt33 t1_iui7c3n wrote

Works very well for me and I’m gonna save the text so I can read it again. Very well written and I like how you shift focus on good things. Thanks for sharing.


RoadschoolDreamer t1_iuikcgw wrote

This is the best!! My whole family is struggling with various issues in life. I’m going to read this to my kids. Thank you for sharing.