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apizartron t1_iviq2z2 wrote

Do many people actually cry in places like that? Get sad and deep in thought sure, but cry?


tty5 t1_ivj13fl wrote

The one in actual concentration camp has things that you cannot unsee. Once you are standing in front of a massive pile of glasses or artificial limbs taken from the victims you only realize this place was a factory of death, purpose built to exterminate at the highest efficiency and lowest cost. Members of the same species built this recently - some survivors and perpetrators are still alive. ....fuuuuuuck.

Imagine having a personal connection on top of that.


supermarkise t1_ivjjxna wrote

And they send you as a kid and teenager. This stuff is horrifying.


Extension_Buy5963 t1_ivm72gt wrote

My ex-wife just called the police on me because I'm standing on her front porch laughing like a maniac. Do I change the narrative in this way?


KDLGates t1_ivjmitz wrote

I've been to the Washington DC holocaust museum and the one where I live (Tampa, FL), both well organized but I didn't have that "this is where it happened" effect.

I guess it's not really a musem per se if it's at a camp itself (unless it's an attached/new facility), more of a memorial. That's different and it seems like a good idea to keep them preserved.


Netskimmer t1_ivj7dbh wrote

Some do, especially if someone they loved, like grandparent made it through alive.


itsjojothehobo t1_ivjlyoi wrote

Standing on a bridge looking down at a sea of children’s shoes at the holocaust museum. You bet your ass I cried.


Moug-10 t1_iviunkf wrote

Apparently, some people are very sensitive when it comes to such subjects.


tlst9999 t1_ivjdbtz wrote

Probably saw his ex cheating at the Holocaust museum.
