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Speadraser t1_iwvn88y wrote

Satire aside. This can not be understated. I had a past subordinate call me up and invite me to his college graduation. He thanked me for pushing him to take classes while we worked together and mentoring him in his early 20s. He said, “you believed in me when I didn’t. When I saw progress, I started to believe in myself. So much so that after I left our unit(2 years) I continued to believe in myself all the way to graduation. I’m inviting you to my graduation because I wouldn’t have made it here without that seed of belief you placed in me.” Completely blew me away and I immediately lost my composure. Never underestimate what belief can do, and never underestimate your effect(edit: thanks u/nivaere!) on people around you.


Lillymorrison t1_iwvxhjy wrote

You only need one person to believe to keep things "alive"


Tardis80 t1_iwvsf2q wrote



Obi-Wan_CaroBee t1_iwxg9rd wrote

i want to frame this and put it on my wall


Freeman421 t1_iww5uv2 wrote

You can think all you want, and as hard as you can belive. But you can't fly without wings and you will still fall.


Speedwagon-Fan t1_iwxch61 wrote

Humans have their limits, we cannot fly, because we don't have wings yes. But also by understanding one's limits we can start seeking out paths and solutions.

Only this way we managed to start crossing the barriers of land, sea, sky and space. And even though we still have many more things that we can learn and progress about (both externally and internally), we can start striving for these improvements only by believing that these things can be accomplished in the first place.

Maybe not all things are possible, maybe our efforts will prove fruitless regarding our goals. But heck. Maybe we'll find some interesting things along the way so it's worth a try...

... Ok, maybe I overextended a little over there. I'm just some guy on the internet after all.


tkrr t1_iwvwjaq wrote

Sundanthropus cascadiensis


GEEZUS_15 t1_iwxesr1 wrote

If Bigfoot can hide from humanity this well all these years, then we can do whatever we put our minds to.


S-WordoftheMorning t1_iwxg3ts wrote

"When I'm in a slump, I comfort myself by saying if I believe in dinosaurs, then somewhere, they must be believing in me. And if they believe in me, then I can believe in me. Then I bust out." - Mookie Wilson (apocryphal)


jim_deneke t1_iwxh8vg wrote

You never know how much of an impression you make on someone.

That Big Foot now runs an TikTok account on mushroom foraging and is about to launch a book!


superhotballer t1_iwy1vb9 wrote

I read it imagine someone lives in you