Thanks for joining me! I've fired up Windows 95 on Bubbles' old laptop and stolen some electricity from Lahey's trailer to answer any questions you might have about Trailer Park Boys: Greasy Money. So if there's ever anything you wanted to know about what goes into making our friggin' awesome game, now's your chance to ask me some greasy questions!
UPDATE: Thanks for joining me for the last couple hours to answer your questions! I have a lot to take back to the team. In the meantime, please keep enjoying Trailer Park Boys: Greasy Money and make sure to check out the cool stuff we have coming up this year! Now if you'll excuse me, the boys got a cold beer waiting for me down at the Dancer. Talk soon!
trailerparkboysbrick t1_j60ec8h wrote
Why on earth couldn't you guys draw the shitmobile correctly, with the proper door missing? You have the driver door missing in game... when only ever has the passenger door been missing.... and then try to charge a subscription service for it. I mean.. I understand the point is for it to collect hashcoins, but someone made the decision to go ahead and green light it into the game with it drawn incorrectly and then try to charge. Greasy bud. Jules would approve.