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SA_Swiss t1_jb8t31w wrote

For some reason "Wind" does not work for me.

I like using it a lot, thanks!


Repulsive-Bird6367 OP t1_jb941l4 wrote

I‘m gonna check that. Could you tell me which device and browser you were using?


SA_Swiss t1_jb97xkx wrote

Windows 10, Firefox browser 110.0.1 (64-bit).

The sound starts and plays for a split second, then stops and does not play again unless I reload the page (refresh)


spartanass t1_jbaj18p wrote

Hey there cool site bud, which library/framework for you use for it


Repulsive-Bird6367 OP t1_jbakgmv wrote

None. It is all hand coded HTML/CSS/JS in one file. If you want to check it out, just view the source code.