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r3d3vil73 t1_j0iy10q wrote

Thank you, would be great if there was A UK or EU version


LobsterThief OP t1_j0gue8i wrote

This is a fun project I've been working on for the past year or so. I designed and coded the whole thing.

There's a lot more I want to add to it (like tracking specific products, ranking each "sale period" to find the absolute best time to buy, etc.)

Anyways, I'd love to hear your thoughts and ideas! Thanks :)


[deleted] t1_j0hgysv wrote



LobsterThief OP t1_j0hk13f wrote

Lots and lots of research for each product/category


Due-Wall-915 t1_j0hwkyq wrote

Very cool work. But If it’s not data driven and statistically validated it’s not that assuring. Maybe build it further to include that?


LobsterThief OP t1_j0ismsi wrote

Yes, this is absolutely the plan, thanks! I needed to start somewhere to figure out what works; while it’s not 100% accurate [yet], it’s still a useful tool.

I’m glad I’m able to present it to people like yourself early who can help me quantify how important complete accuracy is vs other features.

In addition to working towards that, do you think a page explaining our current data-gathering practices would be useful at this point? The information on the site is still data-driven; the data is just being gathered and aggregated manually vs. directly feeding data sets in.


Brainsonastick t1_j0jt3fe wrote

How did you come to the conclusion that houses are on sale 52% of the year. What does that even mean?


ste-f t1_j0gz6qs wrote

Well done! Saved 👍


tarok26 t1_j0i3xzj wrote

Looks good :) start making money on it :)


LobsterThief OP t1_j0i41ks wrote

Haha that’s the plan! Would love to work on this full time someday. Lots of ideas for it.


tarok26 t1_j0i43rx wrote

Rev links for starters?


LobsterThief OP t1_j0id7dc wrote

Good call! We have Amazon monetized right now but that’s it. Hard to get the others until you show significant traffic sometimes. Any suggestions?


tarok26 t1_j0idoxe wrote

Not my spec., but most important part is traffic and email base. So You should start gathering ppl :)


adgill0926 t1_j0gvtbi wrote

Layout is slick. I am not a developer of any sort but I do like what I see. Good job!


LobsterThief OP t1_j0gwuxk wrote

Thanks! I’m a frontend developer now primarily but my passion has always been design.


ThrowawaysROKYea t1_j0irs6r wrote

Bookmarked, any chance of adding geolocation based savings? So best time to buy in Africa or in Canada?


LobsterThief OP t1_j0iruh1 wrote

Good idea! I’ll add this to the roadmap.


ThrowawaysROKYea t1_j0iuv5e wrote

Best of luck. I know a couple penny pinchers that will live this so I'm gonna share this around a bit :)


tbirdriouff t1_j0h9mdp wrote

Whoa, this looks great! Super aesthetic site design, and this info is handy, too. Saved!


mleyd001 t1_j0kv01s wrote

Does it work for Taylor Swift tickets? /s


Jemeloo t1_j0j5kp9 wrote

This says it’s a good time to buy a house lol


baden27 t1_j0jui8u wrote

How does it work? I'm pretty sure house prices don't vary on a monthly basis whether or not you should buy them. Just bought a house a week ago, though. Good thing I didn't do it last month or didn't wait until next month....

Also where do I put in the country or state?


howbowdah t1_j0jw5w9 wrote

So everyone sells their fitness equipment throughout February when they're done with their new years resolution.


CrispRat t1_j0kua56 wrote

This is very clever and well presented!


CrispRat t1_j0kuh5x wrote

p.s. I think DNA test kits are often on their deepest discounts around Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. I know I’ve bought them for my parents around those holidays.


sailorjasm t1_j0kvv1w wrote

I tried searching for it but it wasn’t there but I already knew the answer. The best time to buy candy is Nov 1st


helloushit t1_j0kzew1 wrote

Apparently it’s a good time to buy trucks all year round


mornsen t1_j0kzf11 wrote

Buy trucks every month :)


u202207191655 t1_j13x8b8 wrote

Would be nice if it included bitcoin haha


adrian51gray t1_j0h8md3 wrote

That confetti is really annoying. I've searched for Houses and every single month is the best time to buy apparently so I get confetti every time I expand a month.


LobsterThief OP t1_j0hkovz wrote

Thanks for the feedback. Maybe I’ll have it only appear once per session.

Housing data and best times are generally monthly and in this case “best” can be split by both “best price” and “best inventory”. This is why that one appears so often.

I’ll figure out a way to improve that distinction and provide some info on those that seem to appear a lot.


5thCir t1_j0l6fxp wrote

Same with trucks. Every month is truck month? 🤷🏻‍♂️


indie_dev_5 t1_j0p7aqb wrote

Really liked the design, what is the teck stack you used for this website?


LobsterThief OP t1_j28wykb wrote

It’s primarily Gatsby (React SSR) with GraphQL and MUI


Puzzleheadant3 t1_j0t08zc wrote

Great effort! So easy to navigate and informative. Any Aus/NZ one on the cards for the future?


LobsterThief OP t1_j28wtx5 wrote

Thanks! :) Adding other countries is on our roadmap, I’ll make share Australia/NZ are on there.

The seasons there are generally the same, right? Climate-wise, I mean. That’s a big factor as to when things go on sale.


Puzzleheadant3 t1_j2cos1x wrote

Seasons/Climate for Aus/NZ are the mostly the same - but vastly different to Northern Hemisphere.