My girlfriend excitedly greeted her by saying, "It is so nice to finally meet you seven!"
Death_Killer183 t1_j20a57y wrote
Nana is seven in japanese
[deleted] t1_j20ajgu wrote
Time4aCrusade t1_j20aybn wrote
To be fair, I asked for an explanation.
It's not like they were commenting "Nana is Seven in Japanese! See how clever I am! Dohohoho" unprompted.
GlobalTravelR t1_j20b340 wrote
For real, once met a girl named Midori Green (not Japanese). Either her parents had a sick sense of humor, or were serious alcoholics.
(In case you didn't know, since this isn't a joke, Midori is Japanese for Green, it's also a the name of a green Japanese liqueur).
IWannaHookUpButIWont t1_j20b6ae wrote
Jodan dewa inai
Waitsfornoone t1_j20fjam wrote
Nope ... Just Nope. Sorry.
im_pride OP t1_j20kjxz wrote
This reminds me of a NBA player named Bogdan Bogdanovic (his name would translate to Bogdan son of Bogdan). It takes being a junior to another level.
Smaptey t1_j20ycqe wrote
This is nothing
MonsieurReynard t1_j20ztit wrote
Did she have a sister named "Chartreuse?"
Ok_Breakfast_5459 t1_j2169nk wrote
We used to count up to ten in karate class and 7 sounded like titch.
[deleted] t1_j21bl2s wrote
reddumbs t1_j21g6qa wrote
Wait til there’s a Bogdan Bogdanovic Jr.
MovTheGopnik t1_j21k0iw wrote
You’re probably thinking of “shichi” which also means seven. Four also has two words, “yon” and “shi”. I know that four has an alternative word because “shi” also means “death”, hence why the number four is unlucky in Japan and other Asian countries, but I’m not sure of the explanation for the number seven.
REDGOESFASTAH t1_j21o6qf wrote
Omae wa mou shinde iru
IWannaHookUpButIWont t1_j21odt4 wrote
Shinitai kedo, Sono koto no jikan djanai
REDGOESFASTAH t1_j21p636 wrote
スナク!⁇⁈ スナク‼‼⁇⁈⁈
SombreMordida t1_j21qbbu wrote
yes, but she's been sickly...
Teridus t1_j22hsvt wrote
Moon Moon would be proud of those parents.
llort-a-am-i t1_j22m76z wrote
YippeeCreature666 t1_j239pyo wrote
Quincy son of quincy
[deleted] t1_j23a143 wrote
[deleted] t1_j23aenw wrote
Bogdan, Grandson of Bogdan
Happy123boy t1_j23l3la wrote
Reminds me of Goichi Suda or Suda51 (to clarify, Go is 5 and Ichi is 1 in Japanese)
Ewetootwo t1_j23l3ra wrote
Nana replied, “ have you two eight yet? “
Ewetootwo t1_j23l9o3 wrote
To which the German grandson replied, “Nine.”
Ewetootwo t1_j23lsqi wrote
If Hank Snow married Mae West in the spring in Alaska would you have six inches of snow in May?
WilIyTheGamer t1_j23vau5 wrote
I know a man named Celadon Green. His siblings all have some variation of green as their first name too.
Wring159 t1_j24x2dr wrote
Shi = death, shichi = place of death, same w 9 where it can be read kyuu/ku where ku = suffering
OverallManagement824 t1_j259gx3 wrote
There was once a criminal whose name was Atomic Green. His brother also got in trouble. His name was Nuclear.
Still not as funny as the time I met a lady named Sharon Micucci.
Time4aCrusade t1_j20a14n wrote
Is this some sorta cross lingual pun?