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eranam t1_j3l6vwi wrote

Go to toilet, prepare myself.

Unless you know what’s justifying your nausea, it’s always better to let the vomiting happen. Your body’s pretty well tuned, most of the time it’s expelling things out for good reason.


anomthrowaway748 t1_j3ld8qm wrote

Exactly, always try to get it up and out


NotTheGreenestThumb t1_j3lfoyn wrote

Not always. Sometimes vomiting is a reaction to a drug or environmental exposure to something, not a flu bug or food poisoning. No amount of vomiting is going to rid your body of that toxin and you'll be dehydrating yourself for no good cause.


anomthrowaway748 t1_j3qrqoh wrote

If it’s a drug taken orally, it’s absolutely a good idea to vomit if you feel the need to after taking it


NotTheGreenestThumb t1_j3vtdy9 wrote

I experienced a build up of a drug and by the time I was vomiting and not long after had diarrhea, there was NO ejecting the drug. I wound up very dehydrated and in the hospital.

Vomiting and diarrhea isn't always good for a person!


lurkinglen t1_j3l7khk wrote

Go to the toilet and -if possible- bring a glass of water, or lukewarm tea

3 reasons to bring water:

  1. If the puking doesn't start spontaneously, then drinking a couple of big gulps will trigger it

  2. You can clean your mouth directly afterwards

  3. If you have an empty stomach, you can fill it with a bit of liquid so you avoid the horrible feeling of throwing up just a tiny bit of stomach acid


Shizz-happens t1_j3p22hd wrote

Actually, orange juice is ideal for this!


lurkinglen t1_j3qgyt1 wrote

But if you're about to puke, it's much faster to grab a glass of water instead of orange juice, especially if you're not a regular orange juice drinker or always press the juice yourself :D


JustAnotherOlive t1_j3l6f4f wrote

Brush my teeth. Mint calms your tummy.


Prestigious_Boss3774 t1_j3lkved wrote

Crazy thing is I get nauseous and am on the verge of vomiting every time I brush my teeth in the morning.


Sometimes_Stutters t1_j3lldfj wrote

Same. Brushing my teeth puts me over the edge for vomiting. I have accidentally induced vomiting this way more than I care to admit (especially when hungover)


opaqueism t1_j3ltxuu wrote

literally same I thought I was the only one lmao


Prestigious_Boss3774 t1_j3ok7ti wrote

Bro exactly. Like completely fine any other time except maybe within two hours of me waking up. I blame an acid trip.


ASK_IF_IM_PENGUIN t1_j3l6t63 wrote

Ginger tea works well.

If that's not on the cards go sit somewhere quiet and swallow. Literally swallow. For about five minutes then you'll be fine.


ch0shi t1_j3l95d4 wrote

I get queasy a lot. Peppermint essential oil has been a life saver for me. You can pick up an oil diffuser on Amazon for under $15 and oil from your local health food store. I also have a (sealable) plastic container with napkin that has a few drops on it, that I breath into when I feel really nauseated (think hyperventilating but really slow and with peppermint oil). Helps so, so much.


[deleted] t1_j3l70oq wrote

Bend over with my hands on my knees and gag until I puke or no longer feel the need to.


tinawadabb t1_j3lb31z wrote

Sniff a few whiffs of rubbing alcohol. Smell it, don’t drink it. Works instantly.

ETA: cold compress to back of neck also helps.


Silly-Cloud-3114 t1_j3l5qjz wrote

Anything steamed (like steamed rice) and a lemon juice (no ice, room temperature). I eat it slowly.


AllHailTheWinslow t1_j3l7lsh wrote

Small bits of dry bland-as-shit biscuits (or rusk), dunk in room temp water, eat very slowly.

Gives you a tiny bit of hydration, while your stomach slowly can figure out "which way is down?".

Cold water is an absolute no-no - cramps your food pipe up.


dabudtenda t1_j3ln7jm wrote

Relax and let it happen, vomiting is interesting. You always feel better when it's done. I've done alot of stupid stuff in my life much of which led to vomiting. Fighting it only makes it worse, just let it happen. Spew, water water water, spew, water water water, spew, it should pass if a hospital is not necessary


Pondnymph t1_j3la0xz wrote

Tie back hair and get in bathroom with a plastic pint of warm water to drink, makes it easier to expel whatever the body wants out. Also for rinsing the mouth and throat right after and between because the acid is very bad for anything besides your stomach.


elfy4eva t1_j3lbl2n wrote

Domperidone, brand name motilium if you feel the onset of nausea and have a bit of time for it to work. (if it's coming urgently sip water and go to the toilet to prepare to heave).


NotTheGreenestThumb t1_j3lfw4b wrote

What works best for me is peppermint candy, as fast as possible.


ShortSleeveSampson t1_j3lps9l wrote

I don’t know why but a hot shower or bath is my go to. It always helps


flightwatcher45 t1_j3mrdrm wrote

If you can vomit. If you can't or don't want to, get fresh cool air, close one eye and plug one ear.


skateralex240 OP t1_j3mrpow wrote

Thx. I thought I was gonna but my body (so far) hasn't made me. I did dry heave like 6 hours ago tho.


flightwatcher45 t1_j3ms372 wrote

Yep that is misery. Try drinking a ton of water, your body needs it anyway. I used to fight the urge but, usually, the faster you vomit the sooner you'll feel better. Hope you recover soon!


BlondeStalker t1_j3nnxmm wrote

Sit down, and have cold water. I'll hold cold water in my mouth and also use the cold water to put on my hand to cool down my forehead.

Take deep, even breaths. Drink the cold water slowly.

Try to find the best route to a bathroom or somewhere private enough to hurl.


ooogoldenhorizon t1_j3pvydm wrote

I've been feeling nauseous in the belly and eating oatmeal and bananas and yogurt has helped


coffeypot710 t1_j3pwz0z wrote

Right before vomiting there was a ton of salivating. I usually spit all of that excess spit out and don’t swallow it. That has actually helped to stop the need to vomit for me. It seems like there was a medical reason this worked, but I don’t feel like googling now to explain.


OhSassafrass t1_j3pyoh4 wrote

If I’m in a place where I know I can’t vomit, like a crowded public place, or having to clean up someone else’s vomit (I’m a sympathetic puker), if I smile really wide, like crazy beauty queen, it will suppress the urge to puke.

Really only a temporary measure though.

For my car sick kid, I would roll down the window, gave him take his shoes and socks off, sometimes his shirt too.


keepthetips t1_j3l5mg3 wrote

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Therpj3 t1_j3l9x5b wrote

Drink warm water, 60c works wonders when I’m feeling ill.


obsidianhoax t1_j3m67u7 wrote

I guess it really depends doesn't it?


Repulsive-Occasion14 t1_j3mpvn7 wrote

Humming helps to prevent gagging, choking, or vomiting. Probably not forever though. And as others have said, if you need to puke, it's probably best to just let it out.


Damas_gratis t1_j3ms0pc wrote

I just drink the soda water and I take a warm bath and try to either vomit while showering, or I sit down in the shower and I just try to rest there for a while. Definitely try to vomit while in the shower tho


CokeMooch t1_j3npll6 wrote

Lean into it. The faster you vomit the quicker you feel better. I kneel in front the of toilet and start thinking of rly gross things, doesn’t take long. Gotta read your body though, kinda have to intuit that it’s def gonna happen.

If you’re just nauseous, drink some ginger or chamomile tea to settle your stomach. Or some ginger ale and some crackers.


skateralex240 OP t1_j3ntczl wrote

Thanks. It seems like my body doesn't want to vomit so far. I did dry heave hours ago though.

If I do throw up I'll welcome it but gonna try to eat some food that can get my GI system going like veggies and lemon water and see what happens.


CokeMooch t1_j3nu07k wrote

Yeah you don’t wanna eat anything complicated just in case it does come back up or makes symptoms worse. But there’s nothing worse than feeling nauseous all day, I’d rather get it over with…doesn’t always go that way though :/


rushrhees t1_j3o8o6n wrote

Figure why you are getting nauseas enough to puke then get it fixed if this is happening a lot see doctor


Heartage t1_j3ohwam wrote

I just throw up, lol. There's usually a reason, and throwing up almost always makes me feel better.


EarthCadence t1_j3pgnjc wrote

Taking a puff of cbd or thc works pretty instantly for me. Fennel or ginger tea are also good nausea calmers


Toddak t1_j3tjer0 wrote

I'm surprised nobody said this as of yet but the best thing to do is hum . Supposedly it's correlated with the gag reflex. works for me everytime!


Samilynnki t1_j3tzcfm wrote

Old school nursing trick: take a quick whiff of rubbing alcohol. (Don't huff it, don't snort it, don't inhale it for a long time. just a quick whiff). It interrupts the "gotta puke" signal in the brain.


EllenIsobel t1_j3la6y8 wrote

Ice, ice cold water. Just enough to completely wet everything.