Submitted by t3_10pxpyz in LifeProTips

I sometimes struggle with sleeping because I don't want a new day. I don't want it to begin. I don't want to experience it. I will say it could partly be as well at night I'm doing things I enjoy, so maybe that mixed with the dread and anxiety it's like why pull myself away from fun to sleep until I have to experience dread. Any insights on things that can help this?



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t1_j6modk3 wrote

go to therapy, honestly, sounds like you're depressed.


OP t1_j6mp4fl wrote

I'm in therapy already. I've talked with my therapist about it before well I think at least, but I don't remember what she said at all in all honesty. I was going to talk about it with her again, but in the meantime I'm just seeing if people know any coping methods so I can sleep for an hour or two before having to wake up for my day lol


t1_j6mx779 wrote

My advice to to schedule time during the day to do something you enjoy, even if just for a short while. That may help lessen the difficulty of pulling yourself away from it at night to go sleep.

I am not a morning person at all so this next tip has never worked for me, but some people schedule the thing they like to do most for in the morning so that they are excited to wake up and do it.


t1_j6mnb1d wrote

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t1_j6nb8gf wrote

Everyday is an opportunity to make yourself better, grow, find your passion, etc. I see a lot of people compare themselves to others… don’t… it’s not fair to you. Get rid of your socials… take a 6 month break and see if that helps.


t1_j6nvbae wrote

I count to three and force myself up and splash water on my face, then before leaving for work I write down my main task for the day (even if it’s not work related) helps me not focus on anxiety and instead on progression


t1_j6ooklh wrote

Do you know at what point in the day you stop feeling that sense of dread? When does the day begin to feel doable? Also, what do you do at night that you enjoy?


OP t1_j6pjvli wrote

Not really no. My best guess is probably when I'm just into the task. Again not really sure. Kinda just fighting and doing until things start looking alright.

My hobbies. Video games, TV, manga, and movies. Granted I do this stuff in the day as well, but it feels more special when compared to what sleeping and getting the new day. And also my mind feels completely at ease and can be left alone as well


t1_j6n7ez5 wrote

Find something fun to do at the start of your day.

Go to the gym, have sex, play video games...