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TuckerCarlsonsOhface t1_j9uvbyv wrote

Weird, I think about people all the time. I notice their shape, their clothes, their mannerisms, their voice, their walk, their way of speaking, etc. And if I have to interact with them I pay even more attention.

I think most people don’t notice anything beyond themselves, and often don’t even pay attention to their own surroundings, so you’re probably mostly correct.


newherel t1_j9uxok3 wrote

I’m not going outside anymore


TuckerCarlsonsOhface t1_j9w0sdy wrote

The key thing to focus on is it doesn’t matter what I, or anyone else thinks. I can get very self conscious simply because I know how much I see and judge about others, but I know that their life is unaffected by me noticing things about them, which made me realize I don’t care what they think about me even though I know some people will notice stuff. Some things are immutable, so it’s not like you can do anything about them anyway, and for those that aren’t I just emulate what I like about other people, because it makes me feel good.

You could go to 7-11 in a shag carpet onesie, and people would probably stare, and might even comment, but would it ruin your slurpee and corn nuts?


SlamminJaminDavis t1_j9v9upz wrote

Omgosh dude you’re so much more observant than the rest of us


TuckerCarlsonsOhface t1_j9vk6cs wrote

My point is that I don’t believe I am, and this LPT is not correct.


FloatandMrSunshine t1_j9x60rl wrote

I totally get what you're saying. Observing people and thinking about people go hand in hand. I took this more as like, don't let fear of what others think of you to impact life decisions.