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satireplusplus t1_j1afqub wrote

This ^^

Compared to GPT3, ChatGPT is a huge step up. There is basically an entire new reward network, as large as the LM, that is able to judge the quality of the answers. See

That said, I'd welome a community effort to build an open source version of this.


sanman t1_j1b9tun wrote

Do we know when ChatGPT itself will cease to be free, or cease to be available to the general public? I kind of like using this thing - I find it really convenient, so I'd like to know when I'm going to lose access to it.


amhotw t1_j1bnmw5 wrote

I mean it is pretty cheap. You probably can't spend more than $10/month if it is priced similar to gpt3.


ktpr t1_j1cb1nd wrote

I suspect they’ll move towards paid tiers when the popularity goes down. Right now they’re getting a ton of interesting and rich data for free from going viral. But when that eventually fades they’ll want to continue generating some kind of value from it.


EthansWay007 t1_j1w05nk wrote

I’m curious, how do they use the data of it being asking questions to improve it? Does it flag questions it couldn’t answer and then the team updates it?


Nextil t1_j1zqxp9 wrote

You can rate the responses up or down and provide an "ideal" response.


gelukuMLG t1_j23znll wrote

I think it saves the highly rated responses and feeds it into a dataset then it uses reinforcement learning by giving a positive reward to them.


f10101 t1_j1cm39r wrote

Step 1 definitely explains why its responses often feel so similar to SEO waffle-farm content. I had been wondering where that aspect was coming from.


maxToTheJ t1_j1c6ut5 wrote

Yup. The training techniques have got a lot better since that first GPT-3 paper.