For the future i'd advise to either not use forced black color with transparent background (just use a white one then) or do not use a forced font color, sadly i cant really read it, as i am using nightmode.
In my experience many of software engineers forgot most of linear algebra and calculus if they knew them from the start. Some also forgot probailty/statistics. If there was no preliminary requirements for participants course should start from refreshing those areas.
If each of this week has practical project with real-life data then it sounds very interesting. I did a MSc in Applied math so this course would suit me well. Not sure about CS people with no or little math/statistics background.
I’d add lecture(s) talking about MAP/MLE, bias-variance trade off, and model interpretability, common pitfalls (Eg. Concept drift), and (maybe) building ml systems.
I’d skip the lectures on reinforcement learning and gans and maybe add a lecture on recommender systems. I’d say you need quite a bit of knowledge on both of these topics before you can actually solve real/practical problems.
Honestly, 16 weeks isn’t a lot of time to learn/digest all of this material in depth. I’d focus a lot more on the practical.
Narabedla t1_j7onh4s wrote
For the future i'd advise to either not use forced black color with transparent background (just use a white one then) or do not use a forced font color, sadly i cant really read it, as i am using nightmode.
Hopefully some lightmode users can help you :)