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radome9 t1_j81lnep wrote

I'm sorry, but that's classified.


TikkunCreation OP t1_j81lr4z wrote

That better be a classification joke because it’d be lame if you were just declining to share 😉


ZestyData t1_j824cbd wrote

I spend ~30-40 hours a week on ML-powered projects for work. Life is far too short to start doing ML projects in my free time too.


mr_birrd t1_j83q197 wrote

Also cause often it's s damn rabbit hole and just as you finish, nvidia comes up with the same thing just 10 times faster.


edunuke t1_j85opbe wrote

I'm in the same boat. Years in this ML business full-time. When I get out of work, I don't want to touch anything tech related, not even with a stick.


TaxSuspicious8708 t1_j83hqiw wrote

I'm working in game dev, and on side project I'm currently building a little (newbie) ml framework in c# to discover FFNN, CNN and probly RNN. I'm currently struggling on the backpropagation in convolutionnal layer but that's a matter of time before it works (I hope) 😂

I'm very curious to see the possible applications in game AI. I already did some testing projects before, simple ML agents with small fully connected networks.. But I want to go further and probly try to mix the utility based ai pattern with reinforcement learning methods or genetic algorithm.

I also think Convolutionnal network could maybe be used to input some 'spatialized' data to an ai agent and allow him to take decision about movement or so..


mikljohansson t1_j87y870 wrote

Trying to teach my daughter and her cousins a bit about programming and machine learning. We're building a simple robot with an object detection model and Scratch block programming, so they can get it to chase after the objects it recognises. It works fine, but the kids seem to enjoy driving the robot around via remote and looking through its camera more than programming it 😅 There's an image in the repo readme


Few-Hamster-1887 t1_j81qvna wrote

I am working on a customer lifetime value project to predict the worth of every customer


Data-Power t1_j8wiv3i wrote

And how is it progressing? In my company, we work a lot with forecasting and prediction models. Not the easiest task, right?


personnealienee t1_j82ygry wrote

messing with target sound extraction by adding just barebones masknet architechture on top of samplernn. I want to apply this architecture to extracting different layers in electronic misic. for example, pick out just the snare drum track from the full drum machine mix. It is easy to generate datasets using DawDreamer (generating random drum patterns using a sampler currently). considering adding conditioning by the output of a differentiable filter bank


cantfindaname2take t1_j8m5sry wrote

Mostly implementing change point detection algorithms that in some way utilize ordinal pattern analysis.


Remarkable_Ad9528 t1_j8bxagx wrote

I publish a newsletter weekdays at 6:30 AM EST called GPTRoad.

It's not ML-powered yet, but its geared towards SWE interested in ML. Every letter has info about new research that was published, tooling, and different libraries (langchain, gpt-index, pinecone, promptify, etc.) It also covers general news updates. It's short (should take ~ 3 min to read, its bullet-point formatted.

I'm a SWE (former Amazonian) interested in building projects that use AI, so I figured I should version control all my research for other SWEs as they onboard into the new era. I have about 100 subs right now.


ilovethrills t1_j8dgpo1 wrote

So do you work on projects also or just keep on updates in industry?


Remarkable_Ad9528 t1_j8frhma wrote

Right now I’m just writing updates. But every publication includes a new tool or code snippet. I just started last week so its evolving. Next week I’m going to add more AI tutorial videos to my YouTube channel that will run through how to use langchain to wire up different tools together and use them with an LLM for some application. I’m thinking I’ll do a lot of small tutorials in Jupyter Notebooks and push them to a public repo on GitHub, then include links to the script I’m referencing in the engineering section of the email I send out. I have to poll my audience first to see if that’s something they’re interested in first. I think it would be though…