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david_lo-pan t1_je345da wrote

It’s going to be fucking hot and fucking busy all of July and August. Maybe a little less hot at the end of August. Maybe not.


stickybun_ OP t1_je35ows wrote

Lol well, coming from south Florida I don’t think fucking hot will be a problem for me.


ecco-domenica t1_je4amt6 wrote

You are right that the last week in August tends to be less busy than the rest of August as more schools start earlier nowadays. First week of September is also not bad, Labor Day not withstanding. There is more activity in September than there used to be, things don't shut down after Labor Day anymore, but it does ease off some. Mid to late September before leaf season can be glorious or it can be a week of solid rain. Same with June. It's a gamble. July and the first three weeks of August tend to be hotter than you may remember and of course they will be busy and most expensive. But that may be worth it to you and what's hot and busy and expensive from our perspective may not be yours.


stickybun_ OP t1_je5nuc6 wrote

Thank you so much! That was really helpful ❤️ I remember some years that September and November can be horribly rainy, I guess you never know! Always a gamble. Just curious, how hot are your summers now?


ecco-domenica t1_je6flk3 wrote

Hard for me to quantify & others might disagree, but where we used to have a day or two in the nineties once or twice a summer, I'd say it tends to happen more like three or four times and lasts for several days when it does. Fewer people get by without air conditioning of some sort now, where it used to be quite rare. I'm in southern Maine inland from the coast about 20 miles and bear in mind it's usually cooler on the coast than inland in summer.

Honestly, you're right, it probably won't seem that bad to you. The last time I went to Florida, I couldn't breathe for two days, it seemed so hot to me, and that was in February.


stickybun_ OP t1_je7sae6 wrote

Yes, our heat is on a whole new level down here 🥵 anything under 85 is very pleasant to me now, lol. Im not worried about the heat, more so the ease of finding accommodation and not dealing with crazy traffic everywhere. I know the infrastructure in Maine hasn’t advanced fast enough for the influx of tourism and people moving there in recent years. Im thinking end of august it is!


Erodindor t1_je34gtn wrote

Depending on what kind of outdoor activities you're looking at doing, July and August tend to have pretty similar temperature ranges and risk of fire hazard. If you want to kick it by the campfire, the earlier in July the better while we still have some rain left over from June. If you're looking to stay outside all day enjoy some hiking, the end of August is sometimes starting to cool down into our beautiful September weather.

If you have the flexibility in your schedule, June or September tend to be much nicer months to visit.


stickybun_ OP t1_je35n2u wrote

Thank you! I always remember June being really wet, probably cause it’s my birthday month and it often rained on my birthday. But solid advice! I could maybe do September, but I recall there being a lot of leaf chasers too that would visit in September or October. I miss fall and wouldn’t mind coming back for that either.


Erodindor t1_je37627 wrote

Leaf season isn't generally until mid-october. Mid-late September is really one of the best times to visit, weather wise. June can be fantastic as well but it tends to be the peak of the mosquito/blackfly overlap.