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ZingZongZaddy t1_j1qrdme wrote

I hate CMP as much as the next guy, but you may want to look up the Public Utilities Commission, my dude. These recent hikes? Not CMP's doing.


KermitThrush t1_j1qz3gx wrote

All rate hikes must be first requested by CMP and/or Versant

They then use their vast wealth and political capital to pressure the PUC into passing them


ZingZongZaddy t1_j1qzq2k wrote

And as posted below me, take that up with the state government. The governor hand picks the commissioners.

CMP handles delivery. They do not benefit from your supply rate going up.


KermitThrush t1_j1r08f6 wrote

With a little bit of artful financial accounting it’s very easy for them to benefit from the supply rate going up and they also benefit from the delivery rates going up which have also risen dramatically over the past several years.

Both CMP and Versant Power in fact currently have proposed hikes in their delivery rates before the PUC.

These two corporations are incredibly corrupt and they actively corrupt our government in their own interests.

Vote for the pine tree State powers initiative in 2023!


ZingZongZaddy t1_j1r17of wrote

FYI the delivery rates went down in 2022, from $14.20 for the first 50kWh to $13.73, and $0.94 to $0.88 for excess.

No one is arguing the companies aren't corrupt but you're muddling the argument with your histrionics and misinformation. This is why we can't have nice things.


Mainer2727 t1_j1uvuzi wrote

While you are busy promoting Pine Tree's initiative by pushing false information and emotion-fueled posts, others are sticking with the facts. CMP isn't perfect, but I'm certainly grateful for their consistent efforts during storms and the thought of a utility takeover is downright terrifying for a lot of reasons.

You call out everyone on here who is invested in our fight against climate change and accuse people of being a corporate "shrill," but you are by far the most vocal supporter of Our Power. So who is getting paid??


KermitThrush t1_j1v1kpx wrote

Your account has -4 karma and all of your comments are in support of CMP

My account is the genuine account of a tax paying and voting Maine Citizen

It’s a typical tactic of corporate crooks to accuse their opponents of spreading the type of disinformation that they themselves are spreading

And it’s laughable that you would suggest that CMP or versant have any interest at all in opposing climate change because they certainly do not. Their only interest is in their own profit.

Every time that you make a comment with one of the corporate sock puppet shill accounts that you have created you only encourage Maine citizens on Reddit to give even more support to the Pine tree State power initiative ballot measure.


manual84 t1_j1vn71r wrote

Normal taxpaying Mainer here... not sure this is the right place to argue politics or try to change minds but I spend most of my time on Reddit on snark pages so who am I to talk. Just want to offer a different perspective, which is that I don't think CMP is perfect but I also don't think the Pine Tree Power plan is written in a way that's gonna deliver what they're promising. I also worry it's gonna just take too long (not to mention eventual litigation) and cost too damn much and by the time all is said an down we'll be mired in bills that are the same as today AND we'll still be wading in the mess of fossil fuels while the planet crumbles further. Not suggesting I have a better solution either, but wanted to offer my perspective.


New_Sun6390 t1_j1slm4e wrote

Is that you, Seth? Or is it one of Seth's minions? Delivery rate actally has NOT gone up dramatically.

Sad that you feel the need to lie to further your personal agenda.


Professional_Box8312 t1_j1tcs3n wrote

Sounds very much like Seth. He's Obsethed with taking down CMP even if he has to spread misinformation to seize our utilities. He has consistently blocked and deleted commenters from his personal page and the Our Power page. What a loose cannon. Enough with the lies Seth.


KermitThrush t1_j1usdth wrote

Anyone can see the history of your account.

Every single comment made by your account has been made in support of these private utility companies.

You are a corporate shill.

I have no doubt that CMP and/or Versant are paying you to do this.

Your account is an example of the type of sleazy media efforts that these corrupt utility companies will pour their money into to oppose this peoples referendum


Professional_Box8312 t1_j1vslc4 wrote

You are gravely mistaken. I don't frequent reddit for much but I will continue to call out this proposed takeover of the grid as it is a horrible deal for Maine.


Derstilweedndat t1_j1r71ic wrote

>All rate hikes must be first requested by CMP and/or Versant

Not on the supply side, they don't request those hikes because they don't get the money


[deleted] t1_j1rsa5y wrote



Weird-Tomorrow-9829 t1_j1s9fq9 wrote

I don’t think people understand how much of NEPOOL is gas generation. Or in periods of high demand: more expensive oil.


stootboot t1_j1scv25 wrote

Mainers voted down the influx of existing Canadian hydro when we killed the corridor. Was a huge amount of power available to the regional grid that all current producers would have to compete with.


6byfour t1_j1sdict wrote

Yup. And NH before them, driven primarily by people who don’t have to live with the consequences.


KermitThrush t1_j1ussn3 wrote

None of the energy from the proposed power cord or will ever go to Maine

It’s all intended to be sold to Massachusetts

Your point is a false corporate talking point


stootboot t1_j1w8vw4 wrote

I didn’t assert any energy would be going to Maine.

The energy the hydro offsets on the grid becomes increased supply for the grid. This increased supply can offset along the grid and then bring along a lowering of cost as the remaining producers compete for share.

Primary funding against the corridor was the current energy providers, including NextEra. Corporation’s benefited with either decision for or against the corridor.


hike_me t1_j203jde wrote

Recent supply price increases are due to natural gas supply constraints and demand induced natural gas price increases. Offsetting natural gas power in Massachusetts would help supply prices for the entire New England region.


Ok_W0W t1_j1v07xr wrote

No they don’t, not in the supply side. It’s the state run standard offer.


Ok_W0W t1_j1v00zf wrote



KermitThrush t1_j1v2qv6 wrote

Oh look another corporate shill account with zero karma and almost all the comments in their history are promoting the interest of CMP

You do understand that we can see the history of all the sock puppet accounts you are creating right?

Your transparently corrupt corporate shill efforts to sway Maine citizens opinions Will only result in even more Mainers opposing CMP and voting in support of the pines tree state power initiative ballot measure.


Ok_W0W t1_j1v4bt8 wrote

Not sure why disagreeing with you make me a “corporate shrill.” And sorry Reddit isn’t my entire life and I don’t have such an awesome commenting history and wonderful (and made up) Karma score, as your account that is about 100 days older than mine.

But, go ahead resort to name calling when someone brings up facts you don’t like. I won’t apologize for speaking out on an issue that I am interested in.

I think PTP’s plan is not well thought out and I think it will cost Mainers and that rates will rise.

Not sure why that evokes such an emotional response for you. Others seem perfectly capable of talking about the facts without calling names.


KermitThrush t1_j1v4q4x wrote

Your account has -2 karma and zero posts and every single comment on it is defending CMP.

I encourage everyone reading this post to check your account history for themselves.

Disagreeing with me doesn’t make you a corporate shill, BEING a blatant and obvious corporate shill account is what makes you a corporate shill.

You’re doing such a horrible job on Reddit promoting the interests of CMP that if I was your paymaster at CMP I would fire you immediately


indyaj t1_j1qxi12 wrote

True story. Talk to Janet Mills about this. Especially make noise about the recent extended outages because, make no mistake, we're paying for that in a the form of a rate hike. Make the state pay for it. Yeah yeah, our taxes but at least it won't make our power bills go up.