Submitted by LobsterMan101 t3_101o43h in Maine

What hair salon/ barber businesses still wear masks on their own accord? And I mean the entire establishment wears them is a plus. Many places don’t answer my calls or call back when I ask.

And last two hair salons caught COVID and only told me as I walked out the door.

Just don’t want to go somewhere with a barber all up near me without a mask given cases are rising again.



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amiabledumpsterfire t1_j2otdd6 wrote

Dye Hard! Right on Congress St in Portland.

They've all been 100% masked the entire time, no one is allowed inside without a mask.


LobsterMan101 OP t1_j2owyxz wrote

Awesome! Can you actually dm me the website?


amiabledumpsterfire t1_j2p4he7 wrote

Reddit won't let me DM you but here's their site:

I can vouch for Kristen and Devon, super lovely people and awesome styling services! (Dana also seems like a cool dude but I haven't booked with him before.)


LobsterMan101 OP t1_j2pi19f wrote

Thank you so much! I really appreciate that! J forgot I left my dms off


brundridge t1_j2p4h1t wrote

I cut (barber) in Newcastle, the second someone comes in wearing a mask, first thing I ask is if they want me to wear one as well.

Anyone who doesn’t put a mask on for a customer is a total douche.


LobsterMan101 OP t1_j2pi56z wrote

Hi! What’s your business if I may ask? Thank you for wearing one when someone walks in! I saw one business do that for me one time and it’s always nice


brundridge t1_j2pisyw wrote

I rent a chair at Belle Jolie Salon by the bridge between Newcastle and Damariscotta.


printwench t1_j2qoel9 wrote

Pageboy studio in Portland!


ch1tch4t t1_j2rhyhc wrote

Second this! Incredibly lovely team, too! They're on Market Street and their homepage on the website - - goes over protocol.


spindout t1_j2peii7 wrote

High and Tight in Portland always have and continued to do so


ArtSormy t1_j2pyex7 wrote

On a side note.

3+ years into pandemic. Did someone still did not catch COVID? Any reason you care specifically about COVID and not about respiratory viruses in general? I would personally wish sick people to wear masks despite what kind of respiratory virus/bacteria they have or just take sick day if possible and stay home.


LobsterMan101 OP t1_j2pz0dr wrote

Bc I don’t want it. I got extremely sick twice last year where I was bed ridden and then projectile 🤮.

Do I want that again? Yes I’m vaccinated , but I still don’t want tk be sick.

My bro works in public (I don’t all remote) and he’s like sick all the time. Why should I want to be miserable like all these non maskers? I don’t.

Make sense?


[deleted] t1_j2rfjwg wrote

If your vaccine works why u need Mask? And if it doesn’t why u trying to make other take it?


ArtSormy t1_j2q0mmr wrote

Nobody wants to be sick but it is a new reality these days. The only way to protect yourself from covid is to ask barber to do a haircut on open air and in mask and then go back to home, cut all connection with people, don't go to any stores etc. Don't fool yourself, mask on barber in closed room with unknown viral load won't help.


LobsterMan101 OP t1_j2q1tfk wrote

If we both wear masks it helps cut transmission. I don’t want to catch it. Ogs also interesting everyone’s who’s catching COVID and getting sick are non maskers, and they always get hit hard. Why? Bc they take in A LOT OF particles and respiratory particles . So if I can minimize even the viral load and be less sick, I will!

I don’t want to vomit, throw up, be bed ridden and then have to miss doctors appointments bc I have a lot of health issues.

Understand my side before imposing yours on me, as if it’s the way of life. There is no pre 2019. We are living in a world of viruses and diseases now.

Ar e you gonna tell the Chinese and Japanese to stop wearing masks? It’s cultural. At this point it’s culture for me too. GET USED TO IT. UHHH


ArtSormy t1_j2q5lai wrote

COVID binds through eyes. When you are staying in closed room with enough viral load, masks on people are useless (well, they provide some psychological comfort probably). Sorry to say that. You might wanted to use full face respirator or tight goggles with mask in closed room to avoid virus to bind through air. Mask on barber won't make a big difference.

BTW, I have seen vaccinated catching virus, unvaccinated, with masks and without masks, people staying in isolation at home, people that were going out actively... all got virus :-) all got it multiple times... including myself, recent strain caught a few months ago in Quebec City, Canada. Ironically first one in 2020 caught in Toronto, Canada as well.


[deleted] t1_j2qaxvq wrote



ArtSormy t1_j2s1377 wrote

Well, thats not "my" true info. Official research results: PMC7882915, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine etc

I really sorry for your family members died from COVID. But pushing barbers to do what you ask won't help you to avoid COVID. You can fool yourself, but, sorry, this is reality.

BTW, CDC/WHO has managed pandemic extremely bad.


rel0din t1_j2qxk22 wrote

I was so relieved when when my kid came down with covid several weeks ago. I was worried she had Flu A.

That’s where we are at.


whiteeemily t1_j2st9q1 wrote

There's a barber at Starz in brunswick (Skylar Night) who is always masked.


CryptographerGlad523 t1_j2ot2yf wrote



LobsterMan101 OP t1_j2owzmm wrote

Which town is this on?


CryptographerGlad523 t1_j2po7sj wrote

Cumberland Foreside, right between Yarmouth and Falmouth :) I was just there last week and all of the employees are still masking. It’s optional for guests; however, id say 90% were still wearing them.


alpha417 t1_j2ojwhv wrote

...maybe it's how your asking?


LobsterMan101 OP t1_j2ok31b wrote

I asked clearer this time and specified.

Do you knkw where I can find a hair salon that still wears masks bc I feel comfortable going to places that wear masks?


alpha417 t1_j2ovddp wrote

i meant when you were on the phone...


LobsterMan101 OP t1_j2owxei wrote

I said “do you still wear a mask? “No” ok can I request a barber wear one?” “No” ok bye


ArtSormy t1_j2pzhi5 wrote

Wearing mask will help only if all barbers and all customers wear mask and all the time they are in the room? The viral load existing in air won't magically reset if barber will wear mask just when you come :-)

don't forget, covid perfectly binds through eyes :-)


[deleted] t1_j2p4vau wrote

I thought we decided masks weren’t as effective as we thought and pretty much useless?


FleekAdjacent t1_j2paczd wrote

Who is “we”?

Cloth and surgical masks are not ideal at all for one-way masking, but definitely help when everyone in a space is masked.

N95s are extremely effective at both one-way and of course, two-way masking. They offer an entirely different category of filtration.

The problem with masking is that people don’t / don’t want to understand COVID and other respiratory viruses are airborne. They can hang in the air for hours after an infected individual leaves a room.

People don’t understand that masks filter air, they don’t scare away disease. You have to cover your nose and mouth and keep them that way the whole time you’re in a space where a hazard exists.

Which led to lots of made up rationalizations like wearing a mask to a restaurant table, then taking it off once seated = “being safe”, or masking for an event, but taking off masks for a group photo is “doing everything right”.

“Masks don’t really work” was invented by people when their lack of understanding, willful or not, led to them getting infected despite masking in ways that defeat the purpose.


LobsterMan101 OP t1_j2phz0g wrote

Thank you! But your information and facts went past his head probably bc his education is 11th grade high school


ArtSormy t1_j2q1n4x wrote

Sometimes people are just looking for psychological comfort, not real protection. Psychological state impacts overall body state, including immune system, that is the only protector against covid. So fooling yourself that you are protected can actually protect :-)


LobsterMan101 OP t1_j2phutm wrote

I’m not asking about that OMG omg. Just tell me businesses who voluntarily wear masks. Pls I don’t have the patience to argue rn


[deleted] t1_j2pjmv9 wrote

Lol it’s just fun at this point. I don’t care either way. Society as whole can’t wear one properly. Some are still wearing their nasty old cloth masks. I mean it stopped the flu in 2020 but not Covid so it worked for something.


[deleted] t1_j2pzgjk wrote



[deleted] t1_j2pzln1 wrote

It’s smoking meat with a smoker..


[deleted] t1_j2pzohl wrote

You need some help man.


[deleted] t1_j2pzx7q wrote



[deleted] t1_j2q04a7 wrote

Once again. I follow a sub because I like to cook with a smoker. It’s like a grill but you cook with indirect heat and the smoke adds a flavor to your meat…


[deleted] t1_j2rfeqm wrote

Y’all’s ability so drag shit on and still cling on to this dead idea is so funny. No wonder no one wants to call u back. U prob sounds crazy 😂


turdcutter21 t1_j2tb4aa wrote

They are crazy its retarded they gonna wear a mask forever?
