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utumike t1_j440s1m wrote

I don’t know if I totally agree with you. I have solar panels also. I pay a minimum of $13.75/month. I live on a road where the developers put in the utility wires underground. CMP didn’t contribute anything. My extra power goes out then probably right into my neighbors houses. CMP is charging them for the power and the delivery even though they don’t own or maintain any of the wires. I don’t know. I still like my solar.


hike_me t1_j4418me wrote

CMP didn’t contribute because your developers opted for underground utilities (either by choice or because they were required to by the town). I live on a private road and all the poles were put in and are owned by Versant.

Glad I’m in versant territory: CMP charge you twice as much as Versant charges me… When I first got my solar panels my minimum charge was $8.xx and then like 3 or 4 months ago it dropped to under $7