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Unable-Bison-272 t1_ja4cd5i wrote

My local shelter is almost exclusively pits or pit mixes. They are almost invariably labeled as labs or lab mixes. The shelters know they aren’t safe as house pets, most people know they aren’t safe so the shelters lie.


PinkLemonade2 t1_ja4eqvr wrote

That's 100% not true. There are many reasons why a shelter would try to not use the word pitbull when describing a dog, but it is absolutely NOT because "they know they aren't safe as house pets".

The absolute worst case scenario for a shelter is a bad adoption, for many reasons. Shelters have nothing to gain, and alot to lose if they're having adoptions end poorly.

First and foremost, most of these dogs are mixed breed, so let's get that bit out of the way.

Now, as an example as to why a shelter would avoid using a pitbull label on a dog? Many places (apartment complexes, condos, gated communities) have self imposed rules that don't allow certain breeds, and often it includes pitbulls. So by avoiding that label, shelters are increasing the opportunities for the dog to find a home.