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Carolina-Hurricanes1 t1_ja1bu4w wrote

Heat pumps are a fucking joke my guy


oldncrusty68 t1_ja2iy52 wrote

That’s not true, as ac they are incredible. And they provide good heat on the shoulder seasons.


triage_this t1_ja4idj1 wrote

My living room heat pump will make our large open concept living room, dining room, kitchen area with a cathedral ceiling go from 68 to 75 in under an hour according to the wall thermostat. It is fantastic to have. Can't wait to see how it cools in the summer.


Carolina-Hurricanes1 t1_ja82oao wrote

Yeah it is pretty true. Summer yeah, the AC is fine. I only had to run it a handful of times. In the winter I have to leave it on and at full blast all day for it not to be frozen in here. Even then it’s still pretty cold.


AGstacker1978 t1_ja37u86 wrote

They should be called if conditioning pumps. Great for AC in the warm months. Not great for heating.


Carolina-Hurricanes1 t1_ja82c93 wrote

Not sure why I’m down voted but whatever. I agree, after living in AZ for a few years; I don’t think I ran the AC all but maybe a couple of times during the summer here. I’m more worried about the HEAT part of it which unless I’m running them constant full blast they are lacking in efficiency. Then I get hit with a sweet electric bill.