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CDawgbmmrgr2 t1_j7zed13 wrote

I’ve lived in New England, and specifically Maine for some, all my life. Never heard fella. Heard dude all the time. I don’t trust the map


-Hedonism_Bot- t1_j7zelrt wrote

I'd disagree. Half the time my friends and I don't even use words. A simple middle finger upon entry is all thats needed to say "good to see you, sup?"


jimberley t1_j7zfbp8 wrote

“Bub. Bud. Guy.”???

Also, Duder that wrote the caption is a fucking idiot. “Hey, asshole” is what we call people from Connecticut when they’re driving 47 in the left lane on the highway.


dorelda t1_j7zg0ix wrote

Pal? Fighting word.

“What did you just say pal?”

“Listen, pal…”

All of the Northeast collectively gave a sarcastic answer.


indyaj t1_j7zhwpr wrote

I believe the term here is "Bub".


RealMainer t1_j7zif7s wrote

I get called “Boss” a lot which is weird because I’m the boss of nobody. Maybe it’s just because I’m intimidating or something. Or maybe I’m not intimidating at all and they are calling me boss ironically.


DidDunMegasploded t1_j7zifmf wrote

Not true. OOP does not understand the word "bub". Get him, boys!

Okay okay, semi-joking aside, I've never heard "bub" that much and I've been in Maine for over 20 years. I'm more inclined to hear a simple "Hey there" from older Mainers and "dude" or "bro" from the younger ones.


Redrum874 t1_j7zm6vj wrote

Growing up in New England (NH mostly, but two years in Maine), I’d say it’s “you guys” when plural (even women), and just “hey” or “dude” for a single person.


baxterstate t1_j7zotqu wrote

I’m originally from Massachusetts and chose to live in Maine.

I love Maine.


MoistLobst3r t1_j7zp876 wrote

ive never heard "pal" used in a friendly way.


Delicious_Rabbit4425 t1_j7zrtvn wrote

Dude, buddy, pal, tigah, fella, man, sluggah, guy, guy guy, friend, killah, bro, "their name", "familial shorting of their name" and even some y'all but that is for plural bros are all things Ive heard people use to refer to or greet their bros.


Tony-Flags t1_j7zu38b wrote

California native here- out there, everything can be a dude. Your dog, your car, your toaster oven, your washing machine, random drivers on the road, your spouse, your kid. All are potential dudes.

Example: Toaster oven just turns off right after starting, wont start up: "Dude, I just want to heat up my hot pocket! WTF?"

Someone doesn't have a stop sign but stops anyways and tries to get you to go when you do have a stop sign: "Dude, you don't even have a stop sign, just go already!"


fastIamnot t1_j7zxowy wrote

I've never heard anyone use the word fella or pal.


TheBookShopOfBF t1_j7zybct wrote

My high school kid and his friends all use "bro" with each other, but their parents call them "bub." I think man-to-man is usually "dude" or "bub," although I think bub is used at least somewhat ironically.


bigtencopy t1_j7zzhu5 wrote

Fella??? Its bud, chum/chummy, bud, buzzy, buzz, ol’ boy.


DifficultyConnect557 t1_j801q0c wrote

You got that right and angry unstable people. The state does offer some incredible outdoor environments once you get away from the pavement of despair. This is one of the only good things about the state. All in all a shitty place to live unless you like heat, angry people and lousy and performative politics


Seyword t1_j8025i0 wrote

Oh look another worthless map!!



HAMMERMAIN73 t1_j807ybl wrote

We like to call each other fat bitch but faggot is popular too. Mainers do love Bub that's true but Bub is what you say talking to a co-worker or casual acquaintance not your good buddies not your friends. Spiritually hey asshole is the more correct answer. How people playfully insult each other changes with age. Just my 2 cents


DeuceClimaxx t1_j809gqi wrote

Hey Asshole is pretty spot on. J/s A good example is hey asshole face. That’s usually what gets yelled after your have called said asshole by their last name multiple time and haven’t responded to you.


Allaboutduhmoney t1_j80qdwm wrote

I take offensive, Im from maine and Im a “bro”, “dude, “pal, “y’all”, “bub”, and “hey” kinda guy but I main “y’all”


cagey_quokka t1_j80rjjf wrote

Just based on how much I personally say "dude", I feel this is inaccurate


ItsShone t1_j80wc3k wrote


lived here almost 2 decades


NetLibrarian t1_j80z5fv wrote

Mainer here. None of these are in common use up here.

As long as "Bro" or one of it's derivatives doesn't become popular it up here, I'm happy.


ptmtp26 t1_j8126cx wrote

I mean the map isn’t wrong


dpat9433 t1_j814um3 wrote

“Hey, asshole” tracks but you gotta say it with a lil extra love and a smile.


pchambers89 t1_j81c24i wrote

Am I the only one who says and hears “Bud” all the time?


11BMasshole t1_j81exat wrote

My teenage kids call their friends Bruh. It’s really annoying, and they all have nicknames for each other. Some kids I learned their real names years after meeting them.


ChinaCatMommyFlower t1_j81gw32 wrote

Well, I brought y’all to Maine and you can’t change me 😆 I otherwise accept all Maine ways.


wandernonlost t1_j81j77z wrote

Asshole is a term of endearment to a good friend, as long as you know they're being an asshole with proper intent.


SweatySauce t1_j81pj6u wrote

The dubba that chose the specific terms seems to have a bit of a Midwest bias.


Coderado t1_j81y4s8 wrote

I'm not your buddy, pal. What about bub?


Hot_Salad9000 t1_j828fjx wrote

Don’t know anyone who uses pal. Y’all is just easy to say and use but I don’t use it as a greeting.


spandexcatsuit t1_j82g9i0 wrote

This is so wrong.






No pal, no fella.


Lady-Kat1969 t1_j82rgam wrote

Nah, you're only "Hey, asshole" if you're A) a friend or B) actively doing something assholeish. Random strangers minding their own business don't usually get that.


HardTail11 t1_j83m7zi wrote

In Maine, I’ve only heard fella refer to someone’s pet.


Maddad_666 t1_j83yhrg wrote

We say “Guy” up here in the NE.


lovelysoul711 t1_j840424 wrote

Been a Mainer my whole life and I say "y'all" 😳🤭 but it's dude and bub for me. The south is fascinating to me, wish I had grown up there! Don't get me wrong, I'm proud to be a Mainer but I'd love the experience of being grown and raised southern. Love their accents, love country music, love a good beer (even though I can't drink anymore) love their outdoor, dirty activities.

I need to move south at some point in my life. That's all there is to it!


Nikiella80 t1_j841l2o wrote

As a New Englander I would say for plural it's "guys" no matter what gender & singular it's "dude" or if you are friends "asshole" sounds about right lol


connie1434 t1_j84ytkg wrote

It’s labeled as satire but the fact is, you won’t be spoken to at all.


dogdillon t1_j86gp27 wrote

Honestly the entirety of new england greets people with "hey asshole"