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baopow t1_jd35ulm wrote

Welp, I guess that's another set I have to lookout for restocks of


thelegojunkie t1_jd30dva wrote

Is this the green sonnet? I didn’t realize it was that dark


Crook1d OP t1_jd3n2zv wrote

Yeah it’s the green. The green is pretty dark and why I went for it! I like the darker greens for sure.


quantumlocke t1_jd5fhtr wrote

It's anodized, so it really depends on the lighting too.


EazeeP t1_jd3o88w wrote

chefs kiss


Crook1d OP t1_jd4vaog wrote

Haha I was going to put that in the title. I'm always mad that the chef's kiss emoji hasn't made it's way to a lot of platforms yet.


AutoModerator t1_jd2xfqs wrote

ANY content that features products, services you sell, your prototypes in progress or items you were sponsored to post MUST use the Promotional flair, with disclosure of who you represent.

When posting your build, please provide a description of the build, preferably as a Top Level Comment or Reply to this Comment, with the following information:

  • Your keyboard featured and its layout

  • The Switches, Keycaps, and Other Accessories Featured

  • Any notable mods you performed

  • Other helpful information such as low profile, lesser known firmware, etc.

Example: Unobtanium Southpaw 1800 with DSA Salt with MorningCaps Artisan and Alps Rainbow Switches, modded with Sorbothan Foam on KMK

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Matt_Bowen t1_jd3r4ou wrote

Dang, I wish green was in stock


wlds0695 t1_jd3tbkq wrote

Restock 0800 cst on Monday


Matt_Bowen t1_jd3ysg9 wrote

Oh Lord my wallet


Crook1d OP t1_jd4vce1 wrote

Do itttt


Matt_Bowen t1_jd50opa wrote

Shit man, I just might. Gotta see if my new keycaps will work on the board.


MrButchSanders t1_jda2ae8 wrote

What color bottom did you go with?


Crook1d OP t1_jdaa181 wrote

Black actually along with the accent. We just Cerakoted it copper metallic. I’m the owner of and we do cable and Cerakote work so it was a lot more cost efficient to do it ourselves. The Cerakote finish has a little metallic to it which is also really nice and a little different from stock.


AdministrativeManual t1_jd4j65q wrote

This is exactly what I was going for, same accent and everything! I got an envoy which ships in July though 😔

Nice to see that it looks as good as I imagined in my head lol


Crook1d OP t1_jd4uwal wrote

I made a matching cable for it that looks so awesome but I didn't want to post that pic due to fear it would have to be considered promotional considering I own a cable company.


DoYouSeeADragon t1_jd5do7z wrote

Very cool! I am waiting on a green sonnet with coper accent myself, in a few weeks I hope.

That's not the ANSI layout, is it? I'm looking at your Backspace key right above Enter. That is new to me...


Crook1d OP t1_jd6999c wrote

It’s split backspace! Only available on soldered PCBs. I can’t live without it personally. I’m an old HHKB head.


Zealousideal_Tip_141 t1_jd5w4vh wrote

Ooooh those keycaps are so clean


Crook1d OP t1_jd69fs5 wrote

Agreed! The legends grew on me as at first, I thought they were a little too minimal.

I still prefer GMK / ABS but that damn shine!


beccamecha t1_jd6z4f4 wrote

One of us One of us!

I ended up doing lavender with dusk but osume everything is just ✨✨✨


mossthegiant t1_jdxodej wrote

Just built one in white with matcha. Very nice