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t1_j1cyq0d wrote

What was the process for stripping the ano?


OP t1_j1d02j6 wrote

Dip the metal parts into a sodium hydroxide solution. I used a caustic soda drain cleaner but you can use oven cleaner as well. Took about 1-2 minutes to see the bare metal, a few more minutes to strip completely clean. 5 minutes tops in total I think 😁


t1_j1d04uw wrote

Sweet, thanks! You seal it afterward?


OP t1_j1d0qg5 wrote

Happy to help! Nah I like the rough matte look and don't mind getting a patina. Might polish if I ever do get bored of the look though!


t1_j1d13fu wrote

I just switched away from a board which I’d initially started hand sanding with the goal of polishing. I bailed after like the sixth hour of sanding and sent it off to be plated. I’ll definitely be using your method if I ever decide to go down the raw metal finish route again though!


OP t1_j1dc6d7 wrote

Oh dang, yeah trying to hand sand off ano is a mad task as you don't know how thick the layer is. Just make sure you don't leave the parts in caustic soda for too long as it eats the metal.


t1_j1ddfaa wrote

It actually looks super clean. I was interested in this board but the name Monsgeek was questionable lol. How do you like the board so far? What switches are yo using?


OP t1_j1dki0r wrote

I really loving the board for the price I paid (75usd). It's got everything that the more premium keyboards have except pretty metal weights. Quality is great except the knob but it's because of local version QC issues, if you're getting international then there's nothing to worry about. If there's one thing I don't really like, it's the PC plate. Not really a fan of flexy vibrating plates that my fingers feel when I'm bottoming out switches (I don't put any foam or tape mods in my build, only force break mod). Just ordered the alu plate so am looking forward to that! Trying to achieve the high pitch clack sound on this budget board, hope it works out.


Oh as for switches, I tried KTT Kang Whites with just IXPE switch pad and no other mods. It sounded like snooker balls clacking and it was a treat to hear but I got bored of it. Now I'm using Jwk black v2s lubed but they feel a little bit too heavy for me, I think I messed up by lubing the stem poles. I lubed them lightly but for some reason the switches definitely feel heavier now.


t1_j1fl0y5 wrote

Interesting observation about the PC plate.... I wonder if it's specific to the quality of it made by monsgeek or characteristic of it in general... I think it makes a great board to experiment on with different configurations. Keybored has a video on what affects acoustics to make the clack sound to other preferred sounds.


OP t1_j1fyz9w wrote

I feel like it's the characteristic of the PC plate. I've watched that video and it's pretty informative. Tried testing out various foams and mods but most of them made the keyboard sound thockier or sound like a generic modded out keyboard. The alu plate should help quite a bit.