cynical_genx_man t1_ixjni4w wrote
The absolute best headphones I ever heard are the Sony MDRV6. They're monitors so they present the cleanest, most real sound possible. I think they are now marketed as 7506.
Stay away from Beats, unless all your friend likes is bass, because those (and so, so many others) are engineered to really accentuate bottom without providing the full range.
Otherwise, I second u/DevinBelow and think some grass would be perfect.
theonlyMOONMAN t1_ixkw9wp wrote
Are these designed/good for plugging into your phone or other devices?
cynical_genx_man t1_ixn8kv0 wrote
Well, they come with the standard 3.5 jack, along with an adapter for 6.35, so they work perfectly well with phones & mp3 players.
Of course, good phones will also kind of expose the deficiency and limits of mobile devices, so one may hear poor quality sound but the flaw would be in the player/format and not the cans.
EnderCrystal221 t1_ixjnmss wrote
You should ask what their favorite albums are and get them the album on record if they have a turntable. Or on DVD, etc. Merchandise like shirts, hats, and backpacks or anything else like that. If they enjoy playing records then ask about what stylus they have and if they want a new one as they can wear out after years of use. I hope this helps a little bit.
noburnt t1_ixkrlev wrote
Tattoo gift card
DevinBelow t1_ixji4c5 wrote
Giant bag of weed.