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t1_jacaiyg wrote

I miss when we dressed our children like they were 60 years older.


t1_jacd78e wrote

Be the change you want to see. Start sending them to school in cool stuff - just not quite different enough that they get bullied. :)


t1_jacuoa6 wrote

Fashion is weird today.

When I was in school (90s) you would be made fun of incessantly for not wearing the cool clothes.

Now my son is in school and I’m trying to avoid that for him and everyone just wears crocs and sweatpants. It’s like the “I just rolled out of bed with a 103 fever and shit myself” aesthetic is the thing.


t1_jae6gdw wrote

I remember everyone had to have stussy and mossimo and Nikes and reeboks other trendy brands to be truly "cool" back then.


t1_jadrkts wrote

My grandmother, died back in the mid 2000s about 20 years ago, told me they dressed that way because that’s all they had and would have to constantly do patches and repairs to clothing and shoes. A lot of the time their clothes were hand made by family members to save money during the depression. They would save all their money for food.


t1_jacbsui wrote

Kind of looks like a baby horned lizard to me


t1_jad93he wrote

I want to know this little girl's life story. Who she grew up to become. If she's still with us.


t1_jad6svq wrote

In my mind the pet show is full of people with expensive purebred pets who make fun of her.

But I'm the judge and I give her the first prize because she's obviously the only one who really loves her pet and considers him her best friend.


t1_jadte1p wrote

Just so we are all on the same page- this is a horned lizard, not a toad


t1_jadqt7l wrote

How does she look like a granny stuck in a little girls body lol


t1_jado18t wrote

She looks a bit like Drew Barrymore.


t1_jaee41t wrote

I thought se looked a bit like Gabby Hoffman, the child actor who played the daughter of Kevin Costner a Amy Madigan's characters, Ray and Annie Kinsella, in "Field of Dreams".


t1_jadwsqa wrote

Reminds of that commercial. I think it was Comcast. A little girl hold up a bug and says "I like bugs....dead bugs". Died laughing first time I saw it