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L0st_in_the_Stars t1_ja2vz4x wrote

Kishke, in the Jewish context, is cow intestine stuffed with flour, flavored with beef fat and spices. Slavic and other East European cultures have kishkes that use pig innards. At the time, Brownsville was a Jewish neighborhood in Brooklyn. Pitkin Avenue was its main commercial street.


riffraffbri t1_ja2wwa1 wrote

The Hasidim still live in the area, though it's mostly around Eastern Pkwy in Crown Heights.


picomtg t1_ja2zpkk wrote

Two Large Hamburgers 13 cents. Kill me now and bring me right back when this bs is over…


No_Raisin_212 t1_ja30tab wrote

Big Paulie and Tuddy were running the show back them . Cab stand was on pitkin ave


rouxjean t1_ja311q1 wrote

14 bites! Not 13, not 15. 🤣😆😐 Is this a code? 🤔


oldgrizzley t1_ja3mt0e wrote

I love kishka, but it’s almost impossible to find with natural casing these days, even in NYC. So many kosher delis have closed in the past few years.


I_MARRIED_A_THORAX t1_ja57i1i wrote

I wonder how far this is from abe stark of "hit sign win suit" fame?


Mtnskydancer t1_ja8oqdy wrote

What’s the Hebrew in the corner? Or Yiddish?


TheDiplomancer t1_ja95pgk wrote

Kishke is THE best Ashkenazi Jewish food and I WILL die on this hill. It's been my favorite since I was a child. Yes, I understand the description can be off-putting, as it is generally cow intestine stuffed with a mixture of starches and chicken fat, but if you eat sausages, you know that sometimes, delicious things come from less-than-pretty origins. I highly recommend it.


Dantes-Monkey t1_jaagedp wrote

Anyone know which cross street the kishka king was located? I grew up in e ny/brownsville in the 50s and i recognize the signs but not sure if the signs were remnants or if the deli was still standing.

I wish someone would post a pic of the jungle jim coconut milk stand that was right off pitkin pretty close to the loews pitkin theatre. I loved pitkin